Saturday, November 14, 2020

Tens of thousands of people show up in support of President Trump in Washington DC at the Stop the Steal rally.


Trump supporters rally in Washington DC. Fox News/AP.

Tens of thousands of people have shown up in support of President Trump in Washington DC to protest widespread allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election. Fox News. President Trump himself showed up to the rally and waved to his supporters from his motorcade. On Twitter, President Trump said he was going to continue to contest the election and thanked his supporters. Major networks have called the race for Joe Biden despite widespread allegations of voter fraud and despite that many states have not finished counting votes. The event was largely peaceful, with only a few arrest, mostly concentrated among Antifa and other counter protesters. 

My Comment:

First of all, apologies for using Fox News as a source. Their article was almost as terrible as the NPR one I found as well. They were slightly more fair then the NPR article in terms of crowd size but they both repeated the false narrative that there is no evidence of voter fraud. There is in fact a massive amount of evidence, some circumstantial and some a lot more solid, that there were false votes and votes were changed in this election. I believe the affidavit count is in the triple digits now and there are a large number of videos showing the corruption. The question isn't "did this happen or not", it's "how much of an effect did this have". 

Unfortunately even the most conservative big network, Fox News, won't even consider that this election was rigged. That isn't because of journalism standards, we all know that if this was happening in a foreign country or if it was Joe Biden alleging voter fraud, it would be the top story. It just goes to show how biased the media actually is. If they were saying something like "there are widespread reports of voter fraud but we don't actually know how much of an effect it had on the election and how many of those reports are real" (which is the standard I am using) it might be defensible but that is not at all what the news networks are doing. 

It's also telling that the media is focusing on the Coronavirus and the presence of the Proud Boys. It's a tacit admission that the crowd size was huge and unprecedented. By focusing on Coronavirus, which most of the country stopped caring about months ago, and the Proud Boys, which are once again slandered as being "white supremacist's" even though they are led by a black Hispanic person, the media is trying to put the focus on anything else. And, as always, they didn't yell about the Coronavirus when it was Joe Biden supporters celebrating his "win" or rioting in the streets this summer... 

It's my belief that there was in fact widespread voter fraud throughout the United States. That is the most plausible explanation for many of the discrepancies found in the country when it comes to voting. It makes zero sense that the Democrats were destroyed at the local level, losing control of many state legislatures, and lost many seats in Congress, while at the same time having a major lead against President Trump. Outside of the Presidential race and the Senate (which is still undecided due to Senate races occurring in the contested states of Georgia, Michigan and Arizona), this was a red wave election.

The strongest argument as evidence of voter fraud is right in front of your face. Tens of thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands) of people showed up to support President Trump today. They did that for a candidate that the media says lost the election. The President had packed houses every time he had an event while Joe Biden could hardly break 100 people. Yet somehow we are supposed to believe that Joe Biden was the most popular Presidential candidate in history with 78 million votes? Give me a break! 

Speaking of Joe Biden, if he does somehow manage to end up being President, this rally should be a huge red flag for him. Far from having a mandate he is going to have to deal with an electorate that is utterly furious with him and the Democratic Party. I am guessing that if he decides to have any events at all that Trump supporters will come out in force, much like they did with his limited campaign stops. He will face massive resistance to every single one of his policy proposals and will be unlikely to get anything done. And that's assuming that a civil war is avoided, no sure thing in these trying times. 

But I continue to believe that President Trump will win in the end. Even though the media will never admit it, he does have a decent chance of winning in court. Will it be enough to change the outcome of the election? Possibly. It's going to depend on what votes get thrown out and where. But I think people that are counting President Trump out are foolish at best and delusional at worst. It may be an uphill battle but it is one that can be won. 

And even if President Trump loses, it's not like it's the end of the world. As I said above, Joe Biden has no mandate and wasn't able to win all three branches of government. SCOTUS will keep him in check and his worst plans like stacking the courts or banning firearms won't happen. It's also very likely that the Democrats will lose their tenuous grip on the house in 2022, along with more senate losses since that always happens to incumbents (and Biden or Harris, whoever is President at that point, will be extremely unpopular. I still say Joe Biden will be dead in a year or so regardless if he's president or not, just look at the man). And President Trump will almost certainly run in 2024 and will likely win in a landslide against Kamala Harris, who wasn't elected by anyone. It will be a slog to get to that point though but in the end, win or lose, President Trump will win in the end.  

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