Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Almost no Trump supporters believe that Joe Biden won the election.


Supporters of President Trump rally in Georgia. CNBC/Reuters. 

Only 3% of President Trump supporters believe that Joe Biden won the 2020 Presidential election. CNBC. The CNBC survey also found that 73% of Trump supporters believe that President Trump won the election with 24% not sure. Only 3% of Trump voters say that he should concede while 31% wanted President Trump to fight in court. 66% want President Trump to never concede to Biden. 81% of Trump voters said that they would not give Joe Biden a chance as president with only 19% of them saying they would. As a sign for potential trouble for the Republicans 72% of Trump voters said that if the President left the GOP they would follow him. 

My Comment:

Ignore the partisan hackery from the actual article itself. The 2020 election is in no way decided yet and will not be until either Joe Biden or Donald Trump concede. Acting like Biden has won is wishful thinking at best and enemy action at worse. We probably won't know until we get a ruling by the Supreme Court and that is still weeks away as the court cases are only beginning to trickle in. Normally I wouldn't link to an article this biased but the survey data itself was too useful to not use CNBC as a source. 

And it's utterly ridiculous to blame the survey results on President Trump. People have eyes and ears and they know what they see. I knew right away on election night that something non-kosher was going on when several states stopped their count all at once. And once they started again it was clear that they were only going to find Biden votes. 

I certainly believe that President Trump most likely won the 2020 election. Given that all the data pre-election pointed to a win for Trump, outside of the polling of course, it's unprecedented that Biden would somehow come from behind and win. Especially since he spent almost no effort campaigning and had his supporters outnumbered by Trump supporters in most of his appearances. 

And there is substantial evidence for voter fraud (just like there is every year). People voting in multiple states, the dead voting, people realizing that their ballots got counted even though they didn't vote and so on and so forth. There are affidavits out there accusing the Democrats of this but it seems as though only Trump supporters have seen this evidence. And that's not even getting into the more serious charges of ballot stuffing and computer shenanigan's. 

What would it take to convince me that Joe Biden actually did win the election? A full voter audit in all 50 states. Not just a recount but an independent audit that matched up signatures to ballots and actually tossed out bad votes. If such an audit happened and Biden was shown to be a winner I wouldn't be happy but I would accept the results. 

But it seems very clear that the Democrats have no interest in auditing the votes. Not even in places where President Trump won in a landslide including Florida and Ohio. This shows to me that they have something to hide and also know that the GOP didn't commit widespread voter fraud in 2020 (that isn't to say that they haven't committed voter fraud in the past, just not in this cycle). 

I do think that President Trump has a pathway to victory still. It doesn't matter too much if the lower courts reject his arguments, he just has to get it to the Supreme Court who will be the ones to decide the election. I think it's plausible at least that a sympathetic Court could rule in his favor, most likely on a 5-4 basis. I know Roberts will not vote in his favor but I think the other five conservative justices will. 

The problem we now face is that no matter who wins the election, the other half of the country will not view the win as legitimate. Winning through voter fraud is obviously illegitimate on its face and having the Supreme Court decide the election, even after evidence of widespread voter fraud, is hardly any better. 

Whoever wins in 2020 will have to realize that they don't really have a mandate. People are going to be furious regardless and it would be best to treat the Presidency as a caretaker role. Doing otherwise seems like a recipe for insurrection and violence as people no longer believe that they can change things with elections. 

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