Tuesday, November 3, 2020

My voting experience...


As you are certainly aware, the 2020 Presidential election is today. I, of course, voted. My polling place was crowded but I don't think turnout was all that much different then the turnout in 2016 or even the 2018 election. However, I had to wait a LOT longer for some reason. I was in line for more than an hour and it took forever for the line to move. Part of that might have been due to Coronavirus restrictions but in general it took a long time. Totally different then the earlier primary election here in Wisconsin back in April where I was out in five minutes at the most. 

For people wondering almost everyone was wearing a mask. Some people didn't have them on outside but I did, mostly because it was somewhat cold (35 degrees) this morning and it helped keep my face warm. There was hand sanitizer and everyone got their own pens. I don't think I caught the bug while there but you never know. Not like it would have stopped me regardless. 

I voted straight Republican of course, with Donald Trump being my choice for President. Only three of our elections were contested though, so it was mostly pointless outside of that. There were a couple of ballot issues about redistricting and being over to override health orders. I voted against the first one and for the 2nd. 

I didn't see any obvious signs of electioneering. There were a couple of older guys in red hats but none with MAGA on it. No sign of obvious Joe Biden support either, but I did see a septic truck go by so I am counting that. The crowd was mostly my age or older (mid thirties) though there were only a few younger people there. This was a big difference from 2016 where there were many college aged voters. Not this time, at least not that I saw. 

As for covering the election, don't expect a post tonight unless something unbelievable happens. I personally am avoiding all election coverage until at least 8:00pm. I fully expect a bunch of phony exit polls designed to cause panic and the talking heads acting like Biden won even before a single state is called so why go through the stress of that? I'm just going to have supper, maybe play some video games and forget about until they start to call states. If things go well expect a reaction post/analysis post sometime tomorrow night. Until then, get out and vote! And make sure it's for my guy... 

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