Thursday, November 19, 2020

Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell lays out case for widespread election fraud.


Rudy Giuliani. Palácio do Planalto.

At a press conference today Trump campaign lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell laid out the case that massive voter fraud occurred in the 2020 election. Breitbart. The lawyers argued that the 2020 election was so flawed that the results should be overturned. These flaws included the following incidents:

1. Observers in Pennsylvania were prevented from observing whether or not ballots were signed and those ballots can no longer be re-counted as the envelopes have been discarded. 

2. Democrats in Pennsylvania were allowed to "cure" defective ballots while Republicans were not able to do so as they followed State law. 

3. Voters in Pittsburg filed provisional ballots and were told they had already voted. Allegedly the Democrats filled out these ballots and had hoped these voters would not have shown up. 

4. An affidavit was filed that claimed that an official was told to not reject defective ballots and to backdate ballots received after election day.

5. 60 witnesses in Michigan say that a large number of ballots were produced for Joe Biden and then counted two or three times each. This is thought to have given Biden 60,000 to 100,000 votes in Michigan. 

6. 100,000 absentee ballots in Wisconsin were alleged to have been sent without being properly applied for. 

7. In some Michigan districts there were more voters then residents in the districts. 

8. Smartmatic vote counting machines. The company has connections to foreign governments, counted votes overseas and caused statistical anomalies that are best explained by voter fraud. 

My Comment:
It's hard to understand how difficult it was to find a round up of what was said at this press conference. Very few news outlets even covered the substance of the conference, and instead focused on Rudy Giuliani's hair as if that is relevant in anyway. Breitbart is the only source that I found that had a quick round up of the conference and it's allegations. Fox News had an article as well but it left out many of the more damning allegations and Fox News has shown quite a bit of bias against the President lately. 

What are my thoughts on this? If the allegations are true then it's utterly damning for the Democrats. The allegations would explain why President Trump lost despite his massive turnout for campaign events, the huge wins in local, state and congressional elections and the landslide wins in bellwether states like Florida and Ohio that Republicans managed. 

The one thing that is lacking is iron clad proof of fraud. I think the affidavits are a start but we need more witness statements and an accurate recount and audit of all the votes. Without those it won't be enough to convince the American people that this election was stolen. I think there is a strong circumstantial case that fraud happened and that it happened on a scale that affected the election, but what we want is a smoking gun and that hasn't been revealed yet. 

Another problem is that even if widespread voter fraud is proven in court it might not be enough to win the election. The strongest cases for a recount flip are in Michigan and Wisconsin but if that is all that happens President Trump still comes up short in a 259-279 loss to Joe Biden. He would also need to flip at least one of the following, Pennsylvania, Arizona or Georgia or a state that isn't currently in the news like Minnesota or Virginia.   

The biggest problem is the media though. They are not taking evidence of voter fraud seriously. The strongest evidence yet has been provided and they are either completely ignoring it or they are making fun of Rudy Giuliani's hair dye. This is the media not doing their job for ideological reasons and it is in fact hurting their case. If Giuliani's claims can be debunked they should actually learn what those claims are. But we all know that won't happen as I am convinced that Joe Biden could go onto the news tomorrow and say "Me and Kamala rigged the election, Donald Trump actually won by six million votes" and the media would not cover it. 

Do I think that President Trump can pull the country back from the brink and win the election? I'm not sure. He's got an uphill battle to say the least. Proving voter fraud isn't even the hard part, it's getting the courts to agree that he was the rightful winner. Though I think the legal case will eventually be strong enough to prove that he should have won it's very possible that the Supreme Court won't vote that way or that it will never make it to that point. I also fear that enough threats of violence could occur, like we saw with the Wayne County officials in Michigan, that the courts may decide to rule against Trump just to avoid violence (since we all know it's not going to be Republicans rioting if the election doesn't go their way). 

But with that said, President Trump has proven one thing over the past four years. He is a fighter and people that have predicted his political demise have been proven wrong again and again. I'm not going to count the man out and as far as I am concerned this election won't be called until either he or Biden resigns or the Supreme Court makes a ruling... 

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