Monday, November 23, 2020

Apple's chief of security indicted in concealed carry bribery case.


Apple Park, the Apple HQ. CNBC/Getty.

Apple's Chief of Security, Thomas Moyer, has been indicted in a concealed carry bribery case. CNBC. Moyer had allegedly promised the Santa Clara Sherriff's department $70,000 worth of Ipads in order to release four concealed carry permits for Apple employees'. The charges are based on a 2019 investigation into the Santa Clara Sherriff's department who are accused of using CCW permits for political bribes and donations. CCW permits in California require applicants to show good cause and complete a firearms course but ultimately the sheriff is in charge of who gets a permit or not. A local news investigation showed that people that donated to Sherriff's political campaign were 14 times more likely to be approved. Four people were charged in the scheme last summer. 

My Comment:

This is why CCW's should always be shall issue not may issue. Having the sheriff's approve gun permits politicizes the process and allowed this kind of corruption to sink in. If California had saner gun laws then this kind of corruption would be impossible. 

I work in security and if my company wanted me to get a CCW permit it would be trivial. I would take a class, send in my application and then I would get approved. At most the company would have to pay for the class but there is no question that my application would be approved since Wisconsin is a shall issue state. They wouldn't bribe anyone because there would be no reason to do so. 

And it goes to show that there is a two tiered system for gun rights in California. You have to be rich, at least in this county, in order to get permits. Apple has billions of dollars so sending a sheriffs department 200 Ipads is nothing for them. But for a regular guy that wants a gun permit? Forget it. You will never get it. Unless you pay up there is no way to get a permit through regular means. 

It is funny that this effort failed for Apple though. Their security chief got indicted and their four employees still don't have a gun permit. It seems likely that they were just caught in the middle between the DA's office and the Sherriff's Department but it's pretty hilarious that they got screwed. I don't believe for a second that these charges were filed because the DA has a problem with may issue gun permits or corruption, it's just a personality conflict between them and the Sherriff's office. If it wasn't for that this corruption wouldn't have come to light. 

I also have to say that Apple seems like the kind of company that would support tighter gun laws and it seems like they found out first hand that these laws will screw them over. They know that even though the laws they support makes their job more difficult, it's not a problem for them since until now they could easily bribe public officials and make sure their security has CCW permits.  

This is the kind of world that the left wants to create. Big companies will be able to flaunt whatever laws they want as long as they grease the right paws. But normal folks? You won't have any rights because your life isn't worth anything. Your right to defend yourself is not important but it is very important that companies like Apple have access to rights that no normal person would have. 

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