Tuesday, November 17, 2020

New reports of panic buying due to fears of Coronavirus lockdowns.


An empty toilet paper shelf in Spokane Washington. New York Post/KREM.

Panic buying is returning as new Coronavirus cases have increased. New York Post. There has been a run on essentials like toilet paper, sanitizer, food and others in many states. Cases and deaths have increased recently and despite good news about vaccines, some people are nervous. Though stocks have increased since this springs panic buy, people are afraid of a 2nd wave. Part of what is driving this wave of panic buying is fear of stores running out of supplies again. Toilet paper is again one of the most wanted products. 

My Comment:

I haven't gone to the store yet this week so I can't comment either way on if this panic buy is happening here locally. When I went shopping last week there wasn't really any shortages I noticed. There was plenty of toilet paper and I didn't notice any shortages of meat and canned goods like there was last spring. I was able to get everything I wanted which has been the status quo for months now. 

I wonder if that is because Wisconsin is not really a blue state. Even though our governor Tony Evers is a Democrat he has been pretty neutered by our Republican legislators. There isn't really any fear of a 2nd lockdown here in my state. But that certainly isn't the case for most of the states mentioned in the New York Post article, including Washington, Virginia and Minnesota. 

Of course reporting on panic buying helps drive it. I haven't seen too many stories about it but I am guessing that every story that covers this helps make the problem worse. I'm aware I am contributing to the problem but I think it's an important story regardless. 

I do think that the whole thing is pretty stupid. Hording toilet paper was always dumb as it's not like demand went up so much that we would have had a major natural shortage. There was a bit from everyone suddenly taking all their bathroom breaks at home instead of at work but I think supplies were high enough that it wouldn't have mattered if people hadn't panicked. 

Indeed, I don't think this 2nd wave will amount to much either. First of all, I can't imagine that everyone ran through their horded supplies yet. I know I still have the toilet paper that I got before the panic buy last spring and I'm not anywhere near close to running out. Plus whatever natural shortage from people staying home is already baked into the cake, there won't be a new problem there. If we run out again it's going to be because of people panicking. 

I think our food supplies are in even better shape. A major cause on the run on meat was because many workers at America's food production industry were infected. There were many cases and plants had to shut down. 

I don't see that happening again. I am guessing that most of the plants that shut down are either at or near herd immunity. With so many people who have already had it and with reinfections not being proven and at the very least aren't widespread, I doubt that these plants will have a big enough problem that they have to shut down. I know turnover can be high so there might be some problems but I am guessing that this isn't going to be problem in the 2nd wave. 

But if the problem is panic buying it's not going to matter if the logistical problems have been solved. If people believe that supplies are running low then it's going to happen again. It's dumb but I think it could happen. 

I don't think I am going to do anything different though. Way back in January when I first heard of the Coronavirus I decided I was going to buy a little extra supplies each time I went to the store. I still have most, not all, of the packaged and canned goods I bought. I am not going to run out of food for quite some time even if the stores completely run out. That's not going to happen regardless but even if there is a 2nd panic buy I will be fine. 

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