Saturday, November 7, 2020

A quick statement on the Presidential election call


President Donald Trump.

As you are aware, some of the major networks have called the election in favor of Joe Biden. This is despite the fact that none of the elections have been certified and vote counting still continues. President Trump has not conceded and is promising legal action. 

What are my thoughts on this mess? Joe Biden didn't win. Period. The only question now is if he and his party gets away with stealing the election. And that's going to be up to President Trump. Short of an armed revolution there isn't much the American public can do to get justice in this case, it's up to Trump and his lawyers now. I will say this, whatever President Trump decides I will back his move, even if it means civil war. Even if he concedes. But it's going to be up to him. 

As for the election itself, I have seen enough of them to know when one is dirty. It was very clear that fix was in early  on Wednesday morning when Wisconsin erased a 100,000 vote lead out of nowhere. The same thing happened to Scott Walker in the state back in 2018 and it was clear back then, as it is now, that it didn't pass the smell test. You don't simply find enough ballots to not only take the lead but also make sure that the lead is big enough to outweigh the remaining ballots in other counties. And it didn't just happen in Wisconsin, but in Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Georgia as well. Given the many documented reports of voter fraud pouring in on social media and the utter impossibility of some of the voter turnout (more than 100% in many cases) it's pretty bold of the Democrats and the media to argue that this was a fair election. 

Regardless of what will happen, the country is going to a very dark place. President Trump could very well still win and if that happens the Democrats will never accept it. And can tell you for sure that the Republicans will never accept the outcome of this rigged election. No matter what, millions of Americans will feel that they no longer have the ability to effect change through the voting process. I sure as hell know that's how I feel right now. 

If there is any good news other then the fact that President Trump is still fighting, it is this. Joe Biden does not have a mandate of any kind and will be extremely limited in what he can do. The Democrats will not control the Senate and will not control the Supreme Court which should reign in Biden's most evil plans, like gun control and stacking the Supreme Court. All bets are off after the 2022 elections, but historically incumbents have lost and lost bad in midterm elections. But then again, we have been given the most obvious evidence ever that elections in the United States are no longer valid. 

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