Thursday, November 5, 2020

My reaction to the election fiasco.


Well, it's been two full days since the election and we hardly seem closer to seeing who has won as we were on Tuesday night. The last couple of days have been insane and I hope you will forgive me for mostly unplugging from social media. I didn't think there was much to gain to get all worked up about something I was totally powerless to change. But now I do think that a post is in order. 

The current chaos isn't quite the worst case scenario. After all, we didn't have widespread civil unrest, a major terror attack or some kind of foreign policy disaster happening during the election (like China invading Taiwan or something), but it certainly isn't good. But we should be thankful that this horrible situation isn't any worse then it actually is. 

The problem with this situation is that neither side is likely to accept the results regardless of who wins. Enough has happened at this point that even if President Trump wins, his supporters will argue that the election was corrupt and the same is true if Joe Biden does as well. This is going to be 2000 era Florida on steroids because it isn't just one state it's about half a dozen, maybe more. There isn't going to be a clear winner regardless. 

I do think that there was some pretty obvious and pretty egregious voter fraud going on this time. As many of you surely did I was watching the returns come in and all of a sudden all the vote totals stopped coming in. Then late at night, in my home state of Wisconsin, they found just enough votes in Milwaukee and Kenosha counties to not only flip a 100,000 vote lead for Trump but give them just enough of a buffer to overcome any newly counted votes in the last major county that was still counting, my home Brown County. And then we saw the same thin happen in Michigan and we are starting to see the same thing happening in Nevada and Georgia as well. 

This isn't believable and credible in anyway. If it had happened in just one state it might have passed the smell test but it seems very clear that there was a coordinated effort to stop counting the votes and once it started again most of the returns came back for Joe Biden, in numbers that seem almost ludicrous. The Democrats admitted as much in the leadup to the election, so this outcome shouldn't be surprising, even though I was genuinely surprised. I didn't think they would sink this low to be honest but it's clear they have.  

I have also seen a lot of things on social media that indicate this election is not a clean one. I've seen video of people tossing out ballots, wearing Biden apparel while counting votes, admitting to out and out fraud, not allowing vote watchers to see what was going on and all kinds of other shenanigans. Worst of all I saw claims that people long dead were voting in Michigan, with evidence gathered from the states own voter data. 

I have no idea how much of that is accurate or not but it's not like we can trust the media to do anything but hold water for the Joe Biden campaign. They are acting like all of this is fine, that voter fraud doesn't exist and are banning or censoring everyone from polite society who even questions any of this, including the President of the United States. We basically only have our own judgement now as it's clear that the "experts" in the media aren't even trying to be objective. 

The crazy thing is that despite all the obvious fraud, it's very possible it won't be enough. It's still very possible that President Trump will win Pennsylvania and Arizona, which is all he needs for a win. He might even win Nevada as well, which would be icing on the cake. Of course if that happens expect the media to suddenly flip about recounts and voter fraud, but time will tell if that happens or not. 

One thing is certain though, this won't be over anytime soon. Indeed, I don't think it will be over until inauguration day or until one of the candidates concede. Even though I am expecting a call on the election by tomorrow it won't change much as the cases work their way through courts as both candidates have already essentially declared victory. We might not know who will be leading the country in 2021 and beyond until next year. 

This of course is a very bad thing for both candidates. I think Republicans should take solace in the fact that if Biden somehow gets in he will be a lame duck president from day one. He doesn't have a mandate, he wasn't able to win the senate and he won't be able to pack the Supreme Court. And if 2022 goes bad for him and the GOP wins the house, he will almost certainly be impeached for his corruption. That's assuming he will even live that long, it's very clear that Biden is fading fast and is clearly suffering from dementia. 

But if Trump pulls off the win? He's probably going to be impeached again since the GOP didn't win the house. He won't be removed because of the Senate, but it's not like he is going to be able to do too much unless the GOP wins back the house and gets a wider senate margin in 2022. I think he will get more accomplished then Joe Biden if he somehow wins but it's not going to be pretty regardless. 

Regardless of who wins though it's very clear that it's going to be at least two years of absolute gridlock in Congress, just like the last two years. I can't see the Democrats and Republicans working together on anything after this fiasco and honestly I wouldn't blame the Republicans if they just refused to do anything until 2022. I don't think we will be seeing another stimulus package or any other major legislation passed anytime soon. 

I will say that it is nice to have a President that won't stand for this sitting down. I think if it was any other GOP candidate he or she would have conceded by now, even with the clear and convincing evidence of voter fraud and other irregularities. Trump will fight this like his life and the life of his family depend on it because it probably does. That alone makes me think that it's more likely that President Trump wins through then Joe Biden, though it's clear it will be a tough fight regardless. 

Long term I think this election will be a turning point. It seems clear that our elections are not as safe and secure as the media has been insisting. I've talked to quite a few blue collar Republicans and they are all furious about what is happening and I can tell that people are losing faith in the democratic process, myself included. We are rapidly running out of ways to effect meaningful change in this country with the soapbox long censored and now the ballot box looking beyond corrupt. That just leaves the jury box and the cartridge box... 

As for me though, I am probably going to be taking more time off of social media. I'm not going to provide blow by blow analysis on the election because I don't have the energy for that and it honestly doesn't interest me that much. And it's going to be important to note that there will be other stories happening that probably won't get covered because of the election sucking all the air out of the room, and I will probably post about that. But don't expect daily updates on the election. I may have a post or two up this weekend and I may not, but regardless I am planning on relaxing this weekend, not getting worked up over an election I can do little about. 

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