Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Controversial US military pier to be used to deliver aid to Gaza almost complete.


The dock nearing completion. Politico/US Army photo.

A controversial US military pier to be used to deliver aid to Gaza is almost complete. Politico. The pier might be up and operational as soon as this weekend, barring any delays due to logistics or weather. The pier would allow aid to be delivered to Gaza without Israel opening borders. The pier is controversial as it would involve US troops in Gaza directly and could lead to US troops coming under hostile fire from Gaza or collateral damage from Israeli airstrikes. Though troops will not land in Gaza they will be stationed just off shore, with as many as 1000 troops from the Army and Navy deployed. The pier would allow to dramatically increase the amount of aid delivered to Gaza. 

My Comment:

Before I say anything else, this is an engineering marvel and it's honestly impressive that the US military was able to design and deploy this thing so fast. I didn't think we were capable of such acts of engineering anymore. Regardless of what you think of this deployment, this is a real victory for American logistics. 

With that out of the way, this is a horrible idea. First of all, I don't think Gaza should be getting any aid whatsoever. These folks are our enemies and the people of Gaza largely support Hamas and their actions on October 7th. The idea that we should give them anything is offensive. And all it will do is prolong the war as the more aid Hamas has the longer they can hold out. 

It is also going to put our troops at risk. Gaza is, of course, a war zone and it's very possible that this dock will come under attack, either on purpose or by accident. Neither side in this conflict is well known for fire discipline and I wouldn't be surprised if Hamas was so stupid to attack humanitarian aid that is actively helping them. They are radical Muslims and they hate the west almost as much as they hate the Jews, so I would honestly be surprised if this pier didn't come under attack. 

That might even be the point. Having troops come under attack in Gaza could give Biden some cover. He's getting torched by the far left for his support of Israel and having troops come under attack could solve that issue at least a little bit. It might also allow him to join the war on Israel's side. The fact that both of those options are cross purpose isn't a mistake, Biden's Israel policy is schizophrenic at this point, there is no rhyme or reason as to what Biden does in any situation. 

Indeed, this whole scheme is an example of Biden not being able to make an actual decision on what to do about this war. A sane leader would find a way to either pressure Israel into allowing aid to cross the borders or not provide aid at all. What Biden is doing here is trying to do neither but has the added bonus of putting our troops at risk. It makes no sense whatsoever, regardless of your opinion of the war in Gaza.

The funny thing is that Biden isn't going to get any favor from the far left over this. They won't settle for anything less than the total destruction of Israel, providing a little bit of aid isn't going to do a thing to convince them to vote for Biden. Indeed, I don't think anything he does will change their minds, Biden is "genocide Joe" to them now... 

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