Thursday, May 2, 2024

Joe Biden finally breaks silence on pro-Hamas protests across the country...


Pro-Hamas protesters scream at a NYPD officer at Columbia. AP. 

Joe Biden has finally broken his silence on pro-Hamas campus protests across the country. AP. Biden had come under withering criticism from Donald Trump and others for not addressing the protests that have devolved into riots at campuses like UCLA and Columbia. Biden said that he supported free speech but that order must prevail and condemned violence. Biden also bluntly rejected the protesters demands, saying "no" when asked if it would change his Israel policy. Biden also condemned anti-Semitism. His remarks were criticized by pro-Hamas factions in his own party.

My Comment:

These protests have been going on for two weeks now and Biden was silent for two weeks. Now that they are finally being broken up, he's finally speaking up? Talk about being too little too late. Had he spoken out earlier and more forcibly perhaps we could have avoided some of the damage caused by these protests and riots. 

 And the idea that Joe Biden defends free speech is laughable. He's currently prosecuting people for having done nothing wrong other than questioning the results of a very suspicious election. He's speaking out of two sides of his mouth on this issue and I don't think anyone is buying it anymore. 

As for the protesters it seems clear that they have failed in their goals. Biden was not moved at all in his Israel position, as bizarre and unpredictable as it is. Biden is still trying to please both sides of the issue but it's also clear that he is not going to give into the demands of these protesters. Not like their protests were going to change anyone's minds regardless but it's clear that both Israel and Biden will do what they want and a bunch of spoiled college kids will not change a thing. 

The problem is that Republicans keep getting in their own way on this issue. Having the left eating each other is a good thing and other than pressuring Biden to put his own foot in his mouth, they should have done nothing. Instead they passed an anti-Semitism bill that is so overbroad that it would ban parts of the New Testament of the Bible, specifically the part where Jews allowed Jesus to be crucified. The law, which is also a huge violation of free speech, brought Republicans into what had been a intra-Democrat war. 

The goals of this protest seem unclear. I don't believe they are organic, the war has been going on for months now and the protests seem to be absurdly well funded. And if their goal was to change policy it seems like it an absolute failure given that both Israel and Biden have told them to pound sand. 

Part of me thinks that this is just a push against the ruling faction of the Democratic Party so that the far-left progressives can take over. The campus protesters and Muslims are just useful idiots for that powerplay. That is sort of what happened during the Black Lives Matter riots, it pushed the Democrats far to the left, though the progressives were unable to completely take over the party. 

But part of me also thinks that this is just a dress rehearsal for the 2024 election and election aftermath. It's likely that Donald Trump will win again in 2024 and if that happens I think there are going to be riots and chaos funded and executed by the same people that are throwing these campus protests. These current protests are for intel gathering and recruitment and probably have very little to do with policy. 

As for anti-Semitism, I do think that it is getting worse in this country. I don't think that these protests have much to do with Israel at all, but is in fact about Jews and hating them. I also think it has less to do with the way far-right people hate Jews (because they are disproportionately leftists) but because they consider Jews to be White and these folks are nothing if not racist against Whites. 

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