Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Biden loses Niger, Prime Minster cites US as reason relationship died.


Nigerien supporters with a Russian flag. The Guardian/AP.

Niger's Prime Minister Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine cited the United States as the reason why a military pact between the two countries died. The Guardian. The Prime Mister cited the United States trying to dictate what countries Niger could have relationships with, which could refer to Russia, and a lack of support against Islamist insurgents in the country. The US stopped anti-insurgent operations after a coup removed Niger's former President. The US is now withdrawing the 1000 troops that had been stationed in the country. The troops are being replaced by ones from Russia, which has a warm relation with Niger's government and is expanding in the region. US troops and Russian troops are now stationed at the same airbase. The only good news for the United States is that Prime Minster Zeine said that his country still desired economic links. 

My Comment:

Yet another example of Joe Biden's foreign policy failing. Having good relations with Niger was a priority and they were a vital ally against Islamic extremism in the region. That is done now because Biden didn't want to be pragmatic. 

This, of course, happened because Niger had a military coup. Biden and his administration refused to recognize the new government and that ended with us having our troops kicked out of the country and Niger running into the arms of the Russians. The smart thing to have done would have tried to work with the new government and keep the relationship but when has Biden ever done the smart thing? 

And as anti-Russia as Biden claims to be, he sure is playing into their hands here. Russia has for awhile had designs on this region of Africa and now they now have a major in with Niger. Russia now has access to Niger's vast resources and it hardly cost them anything. All they have to do is have their mercenaries fight the terrorist insurgents in Niger and give the government some backing. 

This is far from the only blunder when it came to Biden's handling of Russia. Russia is now in a better position then they have been in years. They have made inroads in much of Africa, they are winning the war in Ukraine, their economy is now not dependent on the west at all, they have a de facto alliance with China (which was the #1 priority to prevent for the United States for 70 years) and all of it is due to Biden being really bad at his job. Far from hurting Russia, Biden has done more for them than even Putin has. 

Taking our troops out of the country was necessary at this point. Those troops were essentially hostages and were at the same base as the Russians. Keeping there was no longer tenable, but having them out is going to deeply hurt us in the region. The country had a major drone base that was used to gather intelligence in the region and now that is gone. The only good news is that we didn't lose any troops and that Niger at least seems open to the idea of economic links. 

Does this blunder reach the levels of Biden losing Afghanistan and bungling Ukraine? Probably not. But it is another case of Biden screwing up foreign policy. It's just a shame that foreign policy was not a bigger factor in the 2020 election. I sincerely hope that it is a huge one in 2024. Biden's policy record is a joke at this point and anyone could do a better job than he has. 

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