Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Biden's approval rating remains abysmal.


Joe Biden. Reuters. 

Biden's approval rating fell to it's lowest rating in two years in a Reuters poll. Just 36% of voters approved of Joe Biden's job performance, a two point drop since last April. It matches the lowest approval rating in the poll since 2022. The poll found that Trump beat Biden on the economy, immigration and foreign policy. Foreign policy may have a lot to do with Biden's stance on Israel with both Israel and Hamas supporters upset with Biden's take on the war. Biden's only advantage was a slim one when it came to who voters trusted on dealing with political extremism. 

My Comment:

Man, it was hilarious reading that article since Reuters is so biased against Donald Trump. They just had to go on about January 6th and the idiotic trial in New York, neither of which will have any effect on the election at all. They must have been tearing their hair out having to cover how poorly Joe Biden is doing. 

Most of this is not new, Biden has had poor approval ratings for much of his presidency. And Trump has been overtaking him on most issues. After all, the economy is bad and immigration is totally out of control. With inflation still rising and the prices of good and necessities well out of the reach of normal Americans it's no wonder Biden is getting poor marks on the economy. 

What is somewhat surprising is how badly Biden is doing on foreign policy. Trump is beating Biden there at 36% to 29%. For all the hand wringing people made about Trump starting World War III, Biden has essentially done it and in my opinion is the worst foreign policy president in US history, and it's not even close. 

Much of the disapproval comes from Biden's handling of the war in Gaza. Amazingly he has managed to anger both sides of the conflict, with the pro-Israel people utterly disgusted with his criticism of Israel and the pro-Hamas side infuriated with Biden for supporting Israel at the same time. It was always going to be a lose-lose for Biden there, but he managed to fumble it so bad that he's losing both groups!

But it isn't just Israel, it's Ukraine too. Biden's Ukraine adventure is failing and failing badly, to the point only the most deluded of NAFO supporters online still think that Russia isn't going to win. Given that Biden could have easily prevented the war, or allowed it to end peaceable, this failure is entirely on him. 

Keep in mind that Biden's foreign policy failures go beyond even Ukraine and Israel. He also has pushed Russia into the arms of China and has overseen the comeback of ISIS and other terror groups. He also lost Nigeria and, more critically, oversaw the humiliation which was the Afghanistan withdrawal. Do voters know all of this? Possibly. But it again infuriates me that none of this came up during the 2020 election... 

The other surprise to me is that Biden gets points for combating political extremism. The possible conclusion is that voters think Trump is too extreme, but I am not sure. I personally think Trump could have done more to deal with the extremists in the Democratic coalition, like antifa and BLM. Regardless, Biden is absolutely terrible on this issue given how extreme he is and how he's letting the pro-Hamas people run wild on campus. 

Again, most of this is not new and it also does not bode well for Biden in 2024. It's very unlikely for a president with approval rates in the 30's to get a 2nd term. And that's assuming things don't get worse for him. Since Ukraine is likely to be a huge liability for him and the economy is being held together with duct tape and string, it likely will.. 

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