Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Plot to assassinate Ukrainian President Zelensky foiled.


Ukrainian soldiers arresting one of the plotters. BBC/SBU Photo.

A plot to assassinate Ukrainian President Zelensky has been foiled. BBC. The plot involved two Colonels in Zelensky's security detail who plotted to capture and kill the Ukrainian president. Other targets included the head of military intelligence and the head of the SBU, Ukraine's security service. The plot to assassinate the head of military intelligence was advanced to the point where mines and drones had been procured. The two men were arrested and charged with treason. Ukraine has blamed Russia's FSB service for the plot. 

My Comment:
This story is a few days old but for some reason western media is just covering it now. As usual, social media is way ahead of the media these days when it comes to Ukraine. The media is out to lunch, mostly covering the irrelevant Trump trial in New York and the war in Gaza and it's fallout. It's just another example of them being out of touch. 

Ukraine is saying that Russia was responsible for this but I would not be surprised if that was disinformation. There were rumors flying around that the western powers wanted to get rid of Zelensky for various reasons and right after that this plot was discovered. The west absolutely has reasons to get rid of Zelensky and also has the means to do so. 

Plus, getting rid of Zelensky is cross-purposes for Russia's desire to win the war against Ukraine. Taking out Zelensky would be like taking out Hitler in World War II. You don't kill the guy that is losing the war for you on the grounds that he might be replaced by someone competent. 

It's also possible that this incident had nothing to do with Russia or the West and was instead an organic plot made up of people that were sick of Zelensky domestically. Remember, Zelensky was supposed to be up for election but it was canceled because of the "emergency". Zelensky no longer has a mandate and people in his circle might be upset about that. 

Of course it is possible that Russia really is responsible for this plot. They have tried to kill Zelensky in the past and might want to kill him for reasons that have nothing to do with winning the war. Zelensky is responsible for several atrocities against Russia and he's a legitimate military target. Plus, Russia might not agree with me that whoever is next in line would be more competent than Zelensky. 

Russia might also want the confusion and disorder that would follow a major assassination. With Ukraine being a military dictatorship in all but name right now, taking out the President without a clear line of succession could lead to chaos, perhaps even a civil war, which Russia could obviously take advantage of.   

Regardless, Ukraine is in trouble as they are facing attacks on their leadership, regardless of who is responsible for it, at the same time they are having major problems on the battlefield. Russia is continuing to exploit the opening left by the fall of Ocheretino and it doesn't look like that will change anytime soon. Ukraine is still losing the war... 

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