Sunday, May 5, 2024

Who is funding the pro-Hamas campus protests? Biden donors...


Pro-Hamas protesters at Washburn University. Politico/AP. 

Some of Joe Biden's biggest donors are funding the pro-Hamas campus protest movement. Politico. The two biggest groups funding the protests are Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow, both of which are getting funds from the Tides Foundation. The Tides Foundation is supported by George Soros, David Rockefeller Jr. and Susan and Nick Pritzker, all major donors to Biden and the Democrats. The donations appear to be cross purpose as the youth movement has damaged Joe Biden and the Democrats. Those protesters funded by these organizations have dubbed Biden as "Genocide Joe" after the supposed genocide in Gaza. Other donors to these organizations are questioning the donations as they do not want to assist pro-Hamas protesters. 

My Comment:

Wow, the media is also working cross purposes when it comes to Biden and the pro-Hamas protesters. When conservative pundits pointed out that George Soros was funding these protests, it was denounced as anti-Semitism, despite Soros funding an anti-Semitic protest. It was idiotic but now the media is admitting it as truth. 

It was pretty obvious that these protests were not organic and that someone was funding it. The biggest hint was the fact that all the tents and flags at Columbia were all the same and brand new. If the protests were truly organic the protesters would be using whatever they had on hand, not the exact same things as everyone else. It was clear that someone was funding it and it turns out it was these billionaires, with George Soros front and center. 

The question is why. For the students there, they have been mislead by TikTok, social media and their professors to paint Israel as the bad guys, but the billionaires? They absolutely know better. There is no Genocide in Gaza and they know it. So why are they pushing the lie so hard that they are hurting Biden's chances in 2024?

I'm of two minds of it. My first thought is that this is just a dress rehearsal for the 2024 election. Everyone thinks that Donald Trump is going to win in 2024. Barring some kind of disaster or massive voter fraud, Trump should win easily, given how terrible Biden's policies and behaviors are being received. If Trump wins I expect there to be huge protests from the far left and if that's the case these current protests are there to both organize and recruit in anticipation for the inauguration. 

My other thought is that this is a push against Biden so he will go even further left than he already is. In a sane world, Biden would be screaming towards centrism considering his polling. People are sick of the far left and want either right wing or centrist policies but the billionaires do not. By launching these protests, they are pushing Biden to stay to the left as he has to be aware that he needs the youth vote that they have brainwashed into thinking Israel is the bad guy. 

The funny thing is both of those things could be true at the same time. These billionaires have a lot of enemies and could consider both Biden and Trump to be their enemies. They probably prefer Biden but are also fine with punishing him to the point that Trump wins if they manage to take over the Democrat's party. 

Regardless, I do think that these folks should be punished for what they are doing to this country. I am fine with free speech but many of these protests are illegal and funding them is a crime, and the same folks responsible for the campus pro-Hamas riots are responsible for the BLM riots that devastated the country in 2020. Hopefully if/when Trump wins he will take a serious look at arresting these folks and putting a stop to the funding of these protest movements. 

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