Tuesday, August 17, 2021

US Senator John Cornyn caused international incident by falsely tweeting out that the US had 30,000 troops in Taiwan.


US Senator John Cornyn (R) Texas. Reuters. 

US Senator John Cornyn falsely tweeted out that the United States had 30,000 troops in Taiwan, causing a major incident with China. Reuters. Cornyn deleted the tweet that included statistics of where US troops were stationed and claimed that 30,000 were in Taiwan. As far as is publicly known, no US troops are stationed in Taiwan, which China considers a rogue province. The United States did have troops stationed in Taiwan in the aftermath of the Chinese revaluation but were withdrawn when they recognized the Communist government of China. China threatened war over Cornyn's tweet through their state media magazine, The Global Times, saying that if it was true it would result in a conflict. They also humorously called Cornyn a "dotard".

My Comment:

What a dumb tweet by Cornyn. I am assuming that the tweet is just a mistake as that is what the media is saying but either way it was stupid for him to tweet that out. It made no sense for him to tweet that if it was true but being completely wrong about it? Makes zero sense. 

The timing could not have been worse. After the fall of Kabul, China has been emboldened. Right now they are conducting a massive exercise aimed at practicing for Taiwan and have even said that any war between China and Taiwan would end up like Afghanistan. 

Clearly, China senses the weakness of the United States. We totally failed at evacuating Kabul and keeping Afghanistan. And it's very clear that Joe Biden is out to lunch. Our military is also a woke joke that is more concerned with gender studies, critical race theory and making sure we have a good quota of black trans-lesbian furries and not too many actually competent people. 

In this environment Cornyn's tweet was utterly crazy. Mistake or not the last thing we need to do is give China an excuse. China probably isn't capable of taking back Taiwan but they might not know it. Given our current weakness, an international incident like this could give them an excuse to launch an attack. And given our incredible weakness right now they might actually win the war. 

Our problem in this moment is a crisis of competence. Like I said, the entire Biden administration is out to lunch. One would hope in this circumstance that leadership would emerge from Congress, but that's clearly not happening either. John Cornyn is a popular and powerful senator and he knows better than to make mistakes like this. So how on earth did this happen?

Finally, I have to say China is clearly in the wrong when it comes to Taiwan and if there were 30,000 troops in Taiwan I would be fine with it. As far as I am concerned there is only one China and its capital is Taiwan. That doesn't mean we should be stupid when it comes to China and that is what Cornyn did. 

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