Monday, August 16, 2021

Biden returns to Camp David after briefly giving a speech about the fall of Afghanistan...


The evacuation of Saigon (top) and Kabul (bottom).

Joe Biden is coming under withering criticism for his response to the Taliban's stunning success in Kabul. Fox News. Biden had been on vacation at Camp David during the crisis and the media was demanding he give a speech. He returned to Washington today to give that speech but then immediately returned to Camp David to extend his vacation. This decision led to bipartisan outrage over Biden's behavior. 

My Comment:

Biden's behavior here is almost unbelievable. This is the biggest foreign policy disaster since 9/11 and he is on vacation. He got shamed into giving a speech, which I know he didn't want to give, as even the media and Democrats were noticing that he and his team was out to lunch. He gave the above speech and then went right back to Camp David. 

Considering the video coming out of Afghanistan right now it's totally tone deaf. I am sure everyone has seen the video of Afghans so desperate to escape the country that they tried riding on the sides of a C-17 Globemaster and predictably falling off. And that's just the start. The airport in Kabul is in total chaos and it's only by the good will of the Taliban that there hasn't been a massive slaughter. 

And it's not like Biden's speech was a good one. He mostly blamed others for his failure and then at the end said "the buck stops here". At least he didn't blame President Trump, though many of his defenders are. Biden was his old, stuttering and stumbling self and he left the press hanging. It will be remembered for how ineffective it is. 

Biden isn't the only one who is AWOL. VP Harris has not been heard from in days now. Some say she is trying to keep a low profile so here own political ambitions aren't hurt by this. But we also know that she was in the room when Biden made the call to pull the troops out. Hilariously, Biden's hapless press secretary, Jen Paski, is on vacation now too. It's like nobody wants to talk to the media right now. 

Speaking of the media, for the first time in about five years, the media is actually being critical of the leader of the Democratic Party. I don't think that this will be a permanent state of affairs but when you have lost CNN you know the situation is serious. 

Everyone wonders now if there will be any consequences for this. A lot of people would like to see Biden and Harris both resign but that seems like wishful thinking. But someone's head has to role. What about Biden's generals and advisors? From what I understand Biden didn't listen to them anyways but at this point someone has to take the blame. Will Biden throw someone under the bus? It's unclear. 

Either way, this has been a sad week or so for America. I am in no way a supporter of Biden and I am glad that this will almost certainly result in the Democrats losing in the 2022 midterms. But this event will have major repercussions for the rest of the world. America just lost a lot of prestige and status and we have been humiliated globally. 

It may even encourage our enemies to act. What did China just see? We abandoned an ally in ridiculous fashion and showed them our politicians are out to lunch. We have an extremely weak president who won't be around for a second term. Why not hit Taiwan now? And it's not just China. Russia, Iran and every terror group in the world is probably thinking the same thing. America is no longer the power it once was... 

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