Wednesday, August 11, 2021

New video shows Hunter Biden claiming he lost a third laptop with blackmail material on it to a Russian.


Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden. The Daily Mail. 

A new video shows Hunter Biden claiming he lost a third laptop filled with blackmail material against him with possible Russian agents stealing it. (LINK NSFW!)The Daily Mail. If confirmed the laptop would be the third one that Hunter Biden lost, including the one that he left at a computer repair shop and another one that was confiscated during a criminal investigation of his friend, a psychiatrist that was under federal investigation. The Daily Mail received a copy of the first laptop and found this video. In it, Biden films himself having sex with a prostitute and then recounts a major drug binge where his laptop was stolen back in 2018. He said he partied with a group of Russian drug dealers and after partying with them for days he passed out and when he woke up the laptop was missing. Hunter Biden said that the laptop had video of him having sex and could be used to blackmail him if his father became President. Hunter Biden also claimed that he would make money if Joe Biden became President. 

My Comment:

This story is being ignored by most major media as usual. After all, they covered up Hunter Biden's disgusting actions throughout the 2020 election cycle. You would think that having the Presidents son admitting to having been compromised with blackmail material would be the biggest story in the world, and if it was one of President Trump's kids it would be. But we all know that doesn't work with the Biden family. 

It honestly would have been surprising if the Russians (or other foreign nationals) weren't targeting Hunter Biden. The man is clearly a mess and is addicted to drugs and sex. He is a total mess and even the most amateurish intelligence operation could turn him. 

And I bet that is exactly what happened. Everyone remembers how Hunter Biden was selling his terrible paintings and getting paid obscene amounts of money for it. There is no way that wasn't because someone was funneling money to him, and it's possible it was the very Russians that stole his laptop. 

It's possible though that these blackmailers no longer have any leverage over him. After all, a ton of stuff leaked from his first laptop. Indeed, there is a circumstantial case that he may have molested his niece, though it hasn't been proven. What could be more embarrassing than that? 

Still, Hunter Biden is a major liability for the United States. Through him foreign governments can potentially bribe or blackmail Joe Biden. That is a risk that is not acceptable, and could possibly explain why Biden ran on being anti-Russia but then green lighted their controversial natural gas pipeline. 

In a perfect world there would be a major congressional investigation, perhaps with a special counsel. And if it can be proven that the Bidens are compromised they should be investigated and possibly removed from office. But my guess is that there will be no investigation and this story will be buried before the week is out... 

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