Friday, August 27, 2021

US Marine Battalion Commander sacked for criticizing US leadership in the wake of the Afghanistan debacle.


A US Marine Battalion Commander has been fired for criticizing US leadership in the wake of the Afghanistan debacle. Washington Free Beacon. Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller posted a Facebook video being highly critical of US leadership. He said battalion commanders are often removed for mistakes but nobody in charge has taken blame for the fall of Afghanistan and the botched withdrawal from Kabul. Scheller said that he understood that he might be removed from his post because he spoke out but he needed to do so anyways. Scheller said that he had been relieved of command because of his comments:

My Comment:
Utterly disgracefully that Lt. Col. Scheller was punished for the above video. Everything he said was true. The leadership of the military needs to be held accountable for the absolute disaster that is Afghanistan. As of right now I haven't seen anyone punished at all for losing Kabul and for the most recent terror attack that killed 12 Marines and 1 Navy Corpsman. 

But Lt. Col. Scheller? He was out before the end of the day. He got fired from his position and will probably be discharged. His career is over and his family is jeopardy. He might have a second career as a politician, as I would vote for him assuming he's not anti-gun or something stupid. But until than his life has been totally disrupted. 

It really shows where the priorities of America's now-woke military are. Totally mismanage the country's worst foreign policy incident since 9/11, miss all the intelligence that Afghanistan would fall, ignore the threat from ISIS, evacuate the troops before evacuating the diplomats and civilians and then be responsible for the deaths of 13 US servicemen? That's not a big deal. But demand accountability for all that? Your ass is out the door so fast your head will spin. 

And I think he is totally right. There desperately needs to be accountability in the higher echelons. There is no reason why Sec Def Lloyd Austin or Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Mark Milley haven't been fired yet. And some of the higher ups in the intel community as well. But so far nobody has been punished. 

There has been no accountability for any of this. Biden has said that the buck stops with him but then blamed everyone, the Afghan government, the Afghan military and even President Trump. But he never took responsibility for what he did and nobody has been fired. And people are now rightly furious with them. 

Getting rid of Lt Col Scheller is just another incident of the military purging their best warfighters while we are incredibly weak. With the military threatening to fire everyone who refuses to take the vaccine (which is over 800,000 people) they will become a lot weaker. Getting rid of all these people will destroy the military but that might even be the point... 

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