Tuesday, October 6, 2020

VP Debate and live tweet information


Vice President Mike Pence and Senator Kamala Harris. NPR.

As you are probably aware, the Vice Presidential debate is tomorrow. The debate will be on most news networks and will start at 8:00 pm central and will run until 9:30. It is being held in Utah and is being moderated by Susan Page, the Washington Bureau chief of USA Today. No topics have been released but the debate will be broken up in 10 minute segments. 

It will likely be the most substantial VP debate in recent history. Both of the Presidential candidates are in their 70's. President Trump is currently recovering from a Coronavirus scare that made his health a legitimate question. And Joe Biden is pretty obviously in a mental decline and is even older than Trump. Though it is horrible to think of, there is a decent chance that both Trump and Biden might not live through their term if elected, or otherwise be unable to serve. That means this debate is going to be critical. 

I do expect it to be a lot less acrimonious then the Presidential debate and I am fully expecting Mike Pence to win. Pence is the "nice guy" compared to Trump's "alpha male" and he is a lot less likely to be as forceful. But he's going up against Kamala Harris who did horrible in the Democratic Debate and was utterly destroyed by Tulsi Gabbard. I fully expect Pence to take a page out of Gabbard's playbook and hit her hard on her record. 

That being said, it's going to be a screwy debate. I am expecting it to be a two on one affair just like the 1st debate. And I also have to say the idea to put plexiglass between the candidates is just asinine. Pence tested negative for the virus so the glass is totally unnecessary.

As always, I plan to live tweet the debate. You can follow along on Twitter, Gab, and Parler. Just be aware I had technical problems with all three during the last debate. Hopefully that won't happen again this time so if you want to you can always join me as I watch the debate! 

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