Wednesday, October 28, 2020

I officially endorse Donald Trump for President.


President Donald Trump. Official photo.

As you are most certainly aware the United States presidential election is next Tuesday, November 3rd, between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden. I think it is time to make it official, I endorse President Trump for his reelection campaign. 

This is a bit different then my endorsement in 2016. Back then I endorsed "anyone but Hillary Clinton". I mostly centered my voting recommendation on how terrible Hillary Clinton would have been as president. Though I am VERY critical of Joe Biden, I do think that President Trump has earned my endorsement on his own merit. I would also add that the 3rd party choices this year are in no way as notable as Gary Johnson and Jill Stein were in 2016. Right now there are no choices other then Trump and Biden. And of those two it's clear that Trump is the better choice and the better man. 

So why am I voting for President Trump? The first reason is the economy. It was doing gangbusters before the Coronavirus hit and my personal wealth has increased dramatically. I got several raises at work even before the virus hit and after it did my per hour pay has increased by around $5 since 2016. I'm on track to make more money then I have had ever in my entire life and I'm actually considering buying a house once I build up my savings after buying a fairly new car. This things are all due to President Trump. One of my raises was directly due to President Trump's tax cuts and he's generally treated my industry very well. 

Speaking of taxes, President Trump's tax cuts also majorly helped my take home pay. Far from only helping the rich, the increase in standard deduction helped increase my tax return while at the same time less money was taken out of my check. Joe Biden would of course let these tax breaks expire and would raise taxes in other areas as well. 

President Trump has also been amazing on foreign policy. Unlike the Obama Administration, the world is in much better shape now. Trump's actions against terrorism alone has payed massive dividends. I know 2015 seems like a lifetime ago but back then we were seeing monthly and sometimes even weekly terror attacks from ISIS and al-Qaeda. Both of those groups have been mostly destroyed now and terrorism is not anywhere near the threat it was even a couple of years ago. And that is because President Trump decided to stop funding rebel groups and instead bombed the hell out of the terrorists instead. 

President Trump has also been a major peacemaker. In addition to drawing down troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, he hasn't started any new stupid wars, despite major pressure to do so. He avoiding wars with the governments of Syria, Iran and North Korea and even attempted the impossible by trying to turn North Korea from an enemy to a friend. He has also scored major peace deals in the Middle East and Europe, things widely thought impossible before he became President. It's very clear that the fears people had about Trump being a warmongering loose cannon are completely unfounded. 

"But what about the Coronavirus" I hear you ask. Well, considering Joe Biden's plans are pretty much exactly the same, I am not sure what President Trump could have done. He cut off travel to China, used the Defense Production Act to secure critical industries (I know this as I work in one of those industries), secured medical supplies and generally did all he could. His only flaw here was not stopping Democratic governors like Andrew Cuomo and Gretchen Whitmer from shipping their Corona cases to nursing homes but there wasn't much he could do there. Given that the much ballyhooed "success" Europe had with the virus it's clear that it was always going to be a rough year. 

If you are conservative you have to be thrilled with President Trump's action on judicial appointments. He's put into place dozens of federal judges and he has also appointed three Supreme Court justices, ensuring a 6-3 or 5-4 conservative majority (depending on what you want to count John Roberts as). With the Democrats threatening to pack the court if you want that to continue you have to vote for President Trump.  

It's not just Trump's accomplishments that should win him your vote, it's the utter terribleness of both the Democratic Party and Joe Biden himself. The Democrats have quite literally gone insane over the past four years. They have completely abandoned any sense of human decency and have gone beyond being opposition and turned into actual enemies to anyone who disagrees with them on even minor issues. 

Nowhere is this more clear than the summer of violence we have seen since the death of George Floyd. Democrats have sanctioned rioting, looting, arson and even murder, all in the name of fighting "racism". Because a few criminals died the entire country had to burn and if people died in the process, be they innocent citizens, police or even the rioters themselves, it was just fine to them. So many cities were damaged and possibly destroyed, so many lives ended and so many people lost everything. But it didn't matter. Because "racism"...

The opposition to President Trump has also given up even the appearance of impartiality. They have used the tech companies to almost completely silence opposing voices, getting rid of anyone who questions their narratives. They also use the tech and media allies to bury negative reporting on their activities. That is completely against the spirt of free speech and should not be tolerated in a free country. President Trump will likely take action on this on his 2nd term but if Joe Biden wins then these people will only double down. 

Speaking of Biden, there has never been someone less medically qualified then him. I have followed Joe Biden's career for a long time and it's very obvious that the man just isn't there anymore. The difference in behavior and ability between the man who defeated Paul Ryan at the debate in 2012 and the man who was utterly destroyed by President Trump in the 2nd one is drastic. It's very clear that he has some form of dementia and that alone disqualifies him for President. 

But it is much, much worse then that. Biden is corrupt, it's almost undeniable now if you have been reading the various releases from his son's laptop computers. He and his son Hunter were apparently taking bribes to change US foreign policy. That is, of course, treason, and should completely disqualify Joe Biden from running for dog catcher, let alone President of the United States. 

Most disturbing of all is how poorly he did raising his son, Hunter Biden. It's clear that there is something very wrong with Hunter Biden and though the childhood accident that killed his mother and sister, nothing can justify his actions. And Biden is a huge hypocrite, tolerating behavior from Hunter that he would never tolerate from the public. Hunter can smoke crack and meth and nothing will happen to him but Biden threw thousands of people in prison for the same thing. Rules for thee but not for me.

On policy Biden is terrible. He would ban guns, raise taxes, destroy the economy in the name of the environment, stop the rollback of outright sexism and racism in the government, start new wars, sell out the country, bring in millions of immigrants and export millions of dollars to other countries, including our geo-political foes like China and Iran. He would be a disaster for the short time he served and his VP, Kamala Harris, would be even worse. 

Worst of all though is that Biden isn't even trying to earn your vote. He isn't campaigning, with most of his rallies being jokes and he's constantly canceling events by "calling a lid". He doesn't have much of an argument other then "Orange man bad!" All he does is lie about how bad President Trump is using well known hoaxes like the "fine people" and "suckers and losers" hoaxes, which have been completely destroyed by people doing even the most basic of fact checking. 

In short, I can't see how anyone could possibly vote for anyone other than President Trump. He's been a very good president and he accomplished that all while having to deal with the Democrats  (and even some in his own party) trying to undermine his every move. It would be an easy choice if Trump was running against a generic Democrat but against Joe Biden, the most corrupt and senile man to ever run for President? How is it even a question? Even Hillary Clinton would be a better choice and she would have gotten us nuked by Russia. 

So I would ask that everyone that reads this votes for President Trump. Or votes against Joe Biden. Our country is at risk and it's clear that Trump has proven he is the right man for the job. Voting against him makes any sense and I hope you will join me in voting for him in the 2020 race. 

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