Monday, October 5, 2020

President Trump returns to the White House after being discharged from Walter Reed


President Trump waves to supporters yesterday. Yahoo News/Reuters.

President Trump has returned to the White House after being discharged from Walter Reed hospital after being treated for the Coronavirus. Yahoo News. Trump was admitted to the hospital three days ago after having symptoms of the virus including a fever and low oxygen levels. The President had received several treatments including an experimental antibody treatment, the steroid Dexamethasone and the antiviral Remdesivir. His treatment is not done as he will continue to get another dose of Remdesivir. President Trump praised the health care workers at Walter Reed and encouraged people to not let the Coronavirus dominate their lives and said that people will beat the virus. 


My Comment:

Excellent news. As expected it looks like President Trump is fine. He may not have totally recovered from the Coronavirus infection but he is well enough to return to the White House. There shouldn't be any fear now that the President will succumb to the disease. 

Of course the media is losing their minds even more so then usual. Not only are the apologetic over President Trump's short visit to his supporters yesterday they are now furious that he has been released from the hospital. They seem to be arguing that Trump is still totally going to die and that he's putting everyone at risk by taking off his mask even though he was alone. 

That's what they are arguing, but I doubt it's what they actually believe. They were sincerely hoping that President Trump wasn't going to pull through. The fact that he did was going to piss them off no matter what the circumstances. 

That's not the only reason though. They are also mad that their narrative for the Coronavirus is wrong. Far from a death sentence, it's an infection that the vast majority of people survive. And having President Trump, a man in his 70's who is overweight, survive and do so after only a few days kinda proves their entire world view wrong. 

It also hurts their chances for beating President Trump. Their most effective argument is that he hasn't handled the Coronavirus outbreak well and they are counting on fear of the virus to get Joe Biden over the hump. Having the President recover and then point out that most people will do the same takes away their biggest argument. 

I have to say that I like how optimistic President Trump is. Who would you rather listen to, the fearmongers in the media that say we are all going to die, or a President who says that yes, you are going to make it and no, you shouldn't let the virus dominate your life? It's nice to see someone who is actually arguing that despite how things appear, things really aren't that bad. 

It does appear that there are now effective treatments for Coronavirus infection. Though President Trump's specific treatment won't work for everyone it does seem clear that the antibody treatment is a gamechanger. And Remdesivir has also proven very effective. It's not like the early days of the virus when no treatment was available at all. Now doctors have a good idea of how to treat the virus and help people survive it. 

As for the virus itself, though it seems to be resurging in many states, I think a lot of the fear is going away. I personally know almost a dozen people who have gotten the disease, along with the 500 or so at work, and none of them have died. That doesn't mean I want to catch the disease. At all. But if it does happen I'm not going to be worried about death. 

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