Sunday, October 4, 2020

President Trump takes a short trip to wave at supporters at Walter Reed Hospital during his treatment for Coronavirus.


President Trump waves to supporters near Walter Reed. USA Today. 

President Donald Trump took a short trip in a car to wave at supporters near Walter Reed Hospital where the President is receiving treatment for the Coronavirus. USA Today. President Trump, wearing a mask and a suit, waved to supporters from the back sat of a Suburban. The President had just released a short video saying that he was feeling better and was learning a lot about Covid. President Trump had a scare on Friday as his symptoms included a fever and low oxygen levels. He received several treatments including the steroid Dexamethasone and is continuing his Remdesivir treatment as well. Hundreds of Trump supporters along with other well-wishers had spontaneously showed up near Walter Reed to honor the President. 

My Comment:

A very nice moment for the President and the country. It seems clear that President Trump is doing better and that he's much more likely than not to beat the virus. That isn't that surprising as the vast majority of people, even in President Trump's age group, survives the virus. But it's still encouraging news as well. 

I also think that President Trump looks a lot better. When he announced the infection he looked pretty weak and not his usual self. I don't know if he's 100% back to normal yet but it does look like he's doing much better then he was on Friday. 

Of course the media is losing their minds, with the media screaming "how dare he!" Their appetent beef with the President is that he put the Secret Service at risk despite the fact that he was medically cleared to do so. Plus, not only was the President wearing a facemask, the Secret Service members were as well, with what looks to be N-95 masks. If they were at risk it's a lower risk then they normally face as they are expected to take a bullet for the President. This is just a 10 minute drive with everyone wearing a facemask, how contagious do they think the Coronavirus is? 

It also seems very clear that the media is disappointed that President Trump, barring a terrible turn in trajectory, is going to survive his brush with the Coronavirus. Though some in the media did wish President Trump well, you get the impression that the majority in the media class would have loved to see Trump succumb to the virus. 

I think this obvious vitriol directed at the President can only help him in the 2020 election. People don't like seeing the media kick someone when he is down and that is what they are doing right now. As I said on Friday's post, this is the one thing that will likely humanize President Trump and they are actually making it easier for him by attacking him for it. 

I do have to say it was nice to see some of the Democrats actually acting like humans for once. Many prominent voices, including Joe Biden, were actually nice to President Trump and wished him well. Of course the progressive left hated them for it and now are attacking them as well along with the President. Hopefully this will the be catalyst for the Democratic Party to start distancing and marginalizing the least sane voices on the left. 

I also think that this is going to cause some changes with the media narrative on the Coronavirus. When President Trump recovers (and it looks pretty clear that it will be "when" not "if") it's going to be harder to take the disease as seriously as they want to. If a 74 year old man like President Trump with at least one compounding factor (being overweight) can make it through the virus then most other people can as well. That doesn't mean that the virus isn't serious but it's going to be a lot harder to maintain the level of hysteria the media is pushing. 

Indeed, that's my attitude right now. Northeast Wisconsin has a pretty bad outbreak but I'm not all that concerned. I've known several people now that have had it, in the double digits, not counting the almost 500 people at work that got it but I don't know personally. As far as I know none of them have died. That doesn't mean I want to catch the virus or that I'm being risky with it, but it does mean that if I get sick I'm not too worried about dying. And I'm also less worried about my parents getting it as well as they are only slightly younger then President Trump and if he can pull through chances are they would as well if they ended up catching it somehow. 

With all that being said, this had to have been one of the more scary moments in modern history. The only time we really had a question if a President was going to die in the White House was when Ronald Reagan was shot, and I wasn't even born then. The idea that we could lose a President this way, on the eve an election, was terrifying for the country and I am glad that it certainly appears that the worst case scenario isn't going to come to pass. 

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