Sunday, October 25, 2020

United States brokers a cease fire between Armenia and Azerbaijan.


Artillery fires in the region. BBC/EPA.

The United States has brokered a cease fire between Armenia and Azerbaijan. BBC. The two countries have been fighting over the breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh area. The cease fire will start at 8:00 am on Monday, local time. Two other cease fires have been called since fighting began in September and both have fallen apart quickly. Those cease fires were brokered by Russia while this was was brokered by the United States. Several thousand people have died in the conflict, mostly due to artillery. 

My Comment:

The election has really overshadowed the Armenia/Azerbaijan conflict and it really only gets covered when it might affect the election. This is a pretty obvious example of that as President Trump will take credit for this deal. 

This is another example of President Trump advancing the cause of peace. Far away from the warmonger he was slammed as during the 2016 election, Trump has done a ton to not only avoid new wars but end current ones. Attempting to stop the war between Armenia and Azerbaijan would be another victory for him, even if it doesn't work out.

Will this cease fire hold though? Probably not. There has already been two of them called and neither of them held for very long. We have seen this in the Ukraine conflict where cease fires are broken and then the fighting broke out again. There is every chance this happens again. 

The problem is that Azerbaijan doesn't want to tolerate the Armenians who live in the Nagorno-Karabakh area. They are Christians in a Muslim dominated country and Armenia supports the people there who try to self govern. And the Armenians want to protect their fellow Christians in the breakaway province. 

I do have to confess I don't know too much about the conflict beyond that. As I said before, the election has distracted me and everyone else from the war. I do hope thought that this cease fire holds and that we are on the path to peace. Time will tell if this cease fire holds. 

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