Saturday, October 24, 2020

Senator Lisa Murkowski says she will vote to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court


Amy Coney Barrett. Rachel Malehorn.

Senator Lisa Murkowski says she will vote to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, almost assuring that she will join the court. The Hill. Murkowski in the past did not support having the hearing into Barrett until after the November election. She was also the only GOP senator to vote against Justice Brett Kavanaugh. However, despite not wanting the hearing to happen, Murkowski said she lost the fight and will approve Barrett based on her legal credentials and philosophy. Maine Senator Susan Collins, who is trailing in her reelection effort, is now the only GOP Senator expected to vote against Barrett.

My Comment:

This is a huge victory for the Republican Party and may even decide the fate of the 2020 election. Amy Coney Barrett is almost certainly going to be confirmed to the Supreme Court with a vote of 52-48 with only Susan Collins voting against her from the GOP. I doubt if any of the Democrats will cross over to vote for her but it seems very clear that their efforts to block Barrett have failed. 

Of the squishy Senators only Susan Collins has balked at voting for Barrett, and I think that has more to do with her trying to save her seat then anything else. Collins is facing a tough reelection campaign and probably has the blessing of the GOP to keep her seat. Though I do wonder if it won't cause some GOP voters in Maine to not vote for her. I know I couldn't even if I understand the politics of the situation. 

As for Murkowski, I have to say that I am not impressed with her either way. Either she should have stuck to her guns and voted Barrett down or she should have stuck to her party and supported the vote from the start. This playing both sides routine is getting pretty pathetic and though I am glad she did the right thing, I don't like what she did here. 

The other squishy Senators have already come out to support Barrett. Mitt Romney, ever the RINO, has in fact said he will vote for her. There was some concern that he would vote against her just out of spite but even his supporters in Utah would not forgive him for that. Corey Gardner, a potential lame duck just like Democrat Doug Jones in Alabama, has also come out to support Barrett.

As for the Democrats I have very little sympathy for their arguments. If they wanted to choose who the Supreme Court Justices were going to be they should have won the presidency in 2016 or the Senate in 2018. They did neither and this is the consequence of that. There was no chance that the GOP wasn't going to try and confirm someone and if the Democrats had the wheel of power they would do the same thing that the GOP has done here. 

I personally am thrilled that Barrett is going to be on the court. She should help protect the election from voter fraud and that's just the start. I think that now that she is on the court we actually have a 5-4 majority as Chief Justice Roberts is so obviously compromised. We might finally get some rulings on gun rights cases and have a court that actually protects the rights of Americans instead of being a rubber stamp on whatever the Democrats are pushing at any given moment. This is a huge win for America and I am glad that we won here. 

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