Sunday, October 20, 2019

United States Army signs research agreement with UFO group.

Warzone/The Drive. 

The United States Army has signed a research agreement with former Blink 182 frontman Tom Delonge's To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science. Warzone/The Drive. Though TTSA is more well known for it's UFO investigations, it is also involved in research with meta-materials. TTSA will be working with the Combat Capabilities Development Command. The research may be used for "material science, space-time metric engineering, quantum physics, beamed energy propulsion, and active camouflage". It is unclear what exactly TTSA has but it is rumored that they have advanced materials recovered from an UFO encounter, supposedly donated to the late Art Bell of Coast to Coast AM fame and then possibly purchased by Tom Delonge. No money is being exchanged between the US Army and TTSA. 

My Comment:
What a strange story. If you had told me years ago that the singer from Blink 182 had founded a UFO hunter group that managed to gain several high profile scientists and had acquired supposed UFO metamaterials from Art Bell and was working with the US Army to study in it I would have told you a crazy person. But that's the story that WarZone is telling and they aren't the only source for this story... Even a website as respected as Popular Mechanics is reporting the same thing.

To spell it out as clear as possible it sure looks like the Army believes the claims that TTSA has advanced materials and are willing to study them for military purposes. Those materials are supposedly from UFO encounters. 

This comes after the US Navy has admitted that some videos showing encounters between US military jets and unknown flying object are real and the objects are unidentified. Though they don't say those objects are extraterrestrial, that's still a huge admission.

So what's my take on it? I have no idea. I think there is a good chance that TTSA doesn't have anything interesting and the whole thing is a scam. It wouldn't be the first time that a paranormal group was making stuff up. 

But on the other hand, these kinds of groups don't have the level of support that TTSA has. They have John Podesta on their side, Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign manager and many former defense contractors. And they are being treated seriously by the media. It almost makes me think that something is there. 

And I guess it makes some sense. If the TTSA really did get a hold of some advanced materials, it would make sense for the Army to want to work with them. It doesn't matter where those materials came from but if they Army thinks they can make advances in their technology. And if those materials exist they can't let Russia or China research them alone, assuming they have access.   

That being said, even if these materials are real, that doesn't mean they are extra terrestrial in origin. They could be naturally occurring or result of some private research that remained secret for some reason. It's more likely that there is some kind of more reasonable explanation for what is going on here instead of a UFO invasion. 

Still, the fact that everyone, including the government and media, is all of a sudden taking UFO claims seriously is kind of a game changer. I still don't think that aliens are visiting us, but it's seems clear that something is going on. What that is is beyond me but I am hoping that we find out someday. Even if the TTSA is a scam and it all turns out to be nothing it's still an amazing story how a group founded by a musician got to be powerful enough to work with the United States Army. 

As an aside, I have to say that I do like Tom Delonge's music. Blink 182 was a little to silly for me to like but Angels and Airwaves is pretty good. Here's one of their songs...

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