Thursday, October 3, 2019

Supposed whistleblower met with House Democrats before filing whistleblower complaint.

Representative Adam Schiff. The Federalist.

The supposed CIA whistleblower met with House Democrats before filing his whistleblower complaint. The Federalist. The whistleblower met only with the Democrats in the House Intelligence committee before filing his complaint. Under federal law whistleblowers are required to go through the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG). If they do not they forfeit any protections and can be charged with crimes if they leaked classified information. The full complain was released shortly after the transcript between President Trump and President Zelensky of Ukraine was released and proved the complaint false. Questions are also being raised about why the ICIG changed the requirements for whistleblowers to allow second hand information.

My Comment:
I haven't talked too much about this stupid impeachment story, largely because it was obvious from the start that it was a nothingburger. But I think I was wrong. This is now a huge story as it confirms that the CIA and the House Democrats conspired together to falsely accuse President Trump of corruption. 

Remember, the whistleblower complaint said that President Trump offered a quid pro quo for information about Joe Biden. The released transcript showed that was false and that the Bidens were an afterthought after concerns about the CrowdStrike server. There was no quid pro quo whatsoever and no illegal conduct by the President at all.

But it looks like the so called whistleblower and the House Democrats have indeed committed a crime here. Trump's call with Zelensky was classified and it sure sounds like the whistleblower leaked classified information to congress, which is illegal. At the very least the whistleblower is in trouble but it looks like Representative Schiff may be as well. 

A member of Congress can't encourage someone to break the law. That's a crime itself and it's possible that Schiff could be charged for that. He could also be charged with criminal conspiracy for plotting to overthrow the president via lying. 

Schiff also lied to the American people when he made up what President Trump said. He said it was parody but there was no evidence that he was joking when he made those statements. In my view Schiff should immediately resign and feel lucky if he doesn't end up going to prison.

The entire impeachment fiasco, along with the Russia investigation before it, has long been a soft coup. The Democrats have never accepted the results of the 2016 election and have long sought to overturn the results. The Russia investigation failed miserably as there was no crime to charge the President with and it looks like this effort will fail as well. They don't have the votes in the Senate to remove President Trump so the whole exercise is just self destructive. 

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