Monday, October 7, 2019

Supreme Court will hear New York gun rights case despite threats from Democrats to stack the court.

File photo of the Supreme Court. Washington Times/AP.

The Supreme Court will hear a New York City gun rights case despite threats from Democrats to stack the court in response. Washington Times. The case regards a New York City law that forbid permitted gun owners from transporting their guns outside of the city to gun ranges or other properties. The lower courts upheld the law but when it seemed clear that SCOTUS would hear the case they dropped the law. Critics say that the city changed the law to avoid a ruling that would defend gun rights. The court ruled today that the would hear the case and said that the issue is not moot but both sides would have to argue that when the case is heard in December. The ruling will likely be released in June in 2020. Democrats had threatened the Supreme Court on the issue saying the court was tainted and filing an unprecedented brief in support of New York City. 

My Comment:
The most important gun rights case in many years is still going on. Some people were afraid that the court would rule that the issue was moot as the city of New York changed the law in order to avoid a pro-gun rights ruling. That issue isn't totally dead as the Court said that both sides will have to include that issue in the argument, but it's still a major defeat for gun control advocates. 

It seems pretty clear that the Court is very interested in this case. They had an opportunity to dismiss the case but did not take it. That tells me that they probably want to make a pro-gun ruling. I doubt they would have even taken a look at the case if they weren't willing to rule in favor of the gun rights and the absolute panic the Democrats are having over this case makes me think that they may go further than simply saying that yes, you have a right to travel with your weapons. And even if they don't that's still a huge defeat for the Democrats who argue that the right to keep and bear arms doesn't exist. 

However, we are going to have to wait an extremely long time for this case to be decided. The Court won't even hear the arguments until December. And then it will be June before we hear what they decide. That just seems like a massive wait for me, but there isn't much that can be done. 

The Democrats are still having a massive hissy-fit over this case. It's amazing to me that they would consider stacking the Supreme Court in response to this case. When you consider that the ruling isn't too likely expand gun rights all that much the response doesn't make too much sense. I think the Democrats are still furious that their attempts to Bork Brett Kavanaugh failed and feel they deserve a majority on the Supreme Court. 

Still, I don't think court stacking is too likely to happen as I doubt that the Democrats will win in 2020. The gun rights community alone is going to be furious with them and realize that their rights are at risk. They might not be in favor of everything Trump has said and done on gun rights (bump stocks for one), but they know that a vote for Trump will likely keep the court safe for a very long time and could lead to more pro-gun rulings. 

Regardless, I wanted to post a quick update on an extremely important court case. Though it will take awhile to get discussed it's still a huge victory for the gun rights community that this case even got discussed. Hopefully it will be a positive ruling and the first of many. 

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