Sunday, October 6, 2019

Ukrainians protest against peace plan that would end the war in Donbass.

Ukraine protesters in Kiev. AFP.

Ukrainians protested in Kiev in response to a plan to end the war in Donbass and give the region more autonomy. AFP. 10,000 people, including former president Petro Poroshenko, showed up at the protest, claiming that the Steinmeir Plan would be surrendering to Russia. However, Poroshenko was defeated in an election last April largely due to Volodymyr Zelensky's efforts to end the war in Eastern Ukraine. 13,000 people have died in the conflict in Donbass.

My Comment:
Western media is incredibly biased against this plan, despite the fact that it is backed by Western leaders like Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel. The AFP one was especially biased against Zelensky which is odd to me since they are usually one of the least biased.

Of course this is due to the Ukraine impeachment scandal. No matter what Zelensky does he is going to be attacked by the media due to the fact that he's linked to President Trump. Zelensky could raise the dead and not be given a fair shake by the Western media.

The same also goes for Petro Poroshenko and the Ukranian nationalists. Even though the Ukrainians have used actual Nazi militias in the war against the separatists and Poroshenko was just as corrupt as his predecessor is, since he's a player in Joe Biden's corruption he gets a free pass on every bad think he has done.

The peace plan is a good one though. The war in Donbass was largely due to Ukrainians being racist against their Russian citizens. Poroshenko's party passed anti-Russian laws that banned their language and treated them like 2nd class citizens. Russia and Putin did have a role but they never would have been able to take over Crimea and support the separatists if the government of Ukraine hadn't made it very clear to the Russian minority that they weren't wanted. 

Giving these Russian speaking citizens more power over their lives is a good thing and one that can end the war. Many countries have a federal system and it works very well at keeping the peace. If it's good enough for America and Canada, why can't it work for Ukraine? 

The thing is, the Ukrainian nationalists are a major wrench in this plan. They hate the idea of giving the Russian speaking rights and hate Russian influence in the region. They have already thrown over one Ukrainian government and I worry that they will try to do so again. If they do, I fear that the Ukraine conflict, which has largely tapered off, could flare up again. 

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