Tuesday, October 1, 2019

President Trump and the RNC raised $125 million in the 3rd quarter, shattering records.

President Donald Trump. USA Today/EPA.

President Donald Trump and the RNC have raised $125 million in the 3rd quarter shattering records for any presidential campaign. USA Today. Trump has raised an astonishing $308 million in 2019 and has $156 million cash on hand. For comparison, in 2011 President Barack Obama had raised $70 million in the third quarter and had $56 million cash on hand at the same point in the race. The RNC credits Democrats constant attacks on President Trump, including an impeachment effort, for the massive haul. The announcement comes as President Trump and the RNC are beginning to spend some of the money, buying advertisements attacking the Democrats. 

My Comment:
Much of this money was raised before the impeachment announcement happened. From what I understand after that Trump raised around $25 million. But that means for the rest of the quarter Trump and the RNC were able to raise $100 million. 

This is very good news for Trump and the Republicans. It shows that voters are putting their money where their mouths are and are committed to vote for him. It also means that President Trump has the money to blanket the airwaves and internet with advertisements. 

I've already been seeing advertisements for President Trump on this blog and other websites for months now. As for the 2020 candidates I really haven't seen much. I saw one ad for Pete Buttgeig, one ad for longshot candidate Tom Steyer and a whole bunch of ads for Tulsi Gabbard, but that's about it. Everything else has been President Trump. 

Though it's unclear how much effect advertisement has on political campaigns it can't hurt. It's also a major advantage for President Trump who is up against a horrifically biased media and isn't able to get his message out too many other ways. Advertisement allows him to reach people that otherwise might not ever hear anything positive about him.  

Why are people giving so much money? Because they are angry! The Democrats behavior has been reprehensible lately and you can really tell their goal isn't making the country better, it's punishing everyone who doesn't vote for them. The duel impeachment narratives against President Trump and Brett Kavanaugh, two men who haven't done anything nearly bad enough to warrant impeachment, is absolutely disgusting and has caused a deep anger among many Americans. 

Furthermore, the Democrats are campaigning on enforcing existential threats to Trump voters. It's bad enough that they are campaigning on open borders and social justice. But for gun owners, they are campaigning on sending armed men to knock down your doors and drag you away into the night if you don't hand over your guns. Of course people are going to be motivated to give to the guy that's standing in the way of that! 

The Democrats are also disadvantaged in that they have such a massive field of candidates. The money is flowing but it's flowing to many different candidates and many of them are attacking each other as much as the GOP. And the DNC is not doing well in terms of fundraising. 3rd quarter numbers haven't been released but I can't imagine it's anywhere near what President Trump raised.

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