Sunday, July 11, 2021

Thousands of Cubans are protesting the communist regime.


Cubans protest. Miami Herald/Facebook.

Thousands of Cubans have taken to the streets in protest of the Cuban Communist regime. Miami Herald. Protests erupted in several major cities and towns, including Havana. The people are furious with poor economic conditions and the government's poor response to the Coronavirus pandemic. The economy in Cuba has collapsed due to inefficacy and corruption, along with President Trump's sanctions. Inflation has soared after currency reforms were attempted. The Coronavirus pandemic response has been botched as well as Cuba refused to take foreign vaccines, focusing on developing their own. This has lead to a continuing widespread outbreak that has brought Cuba's medical system to its knees, with hospitals in Matanzas province. In response the people of Cuba have taken to the streets and demanded an end to the communist regime. 

My Comment:

This is a fairly major development. Protests occasionally happen in Cuba but I am unaware of them happening on this scale. With the Castro family finally out of power it's possible that the communist regime could be on the way out.  

I think that the Cubans obviously have a right to be upset. Communism as a system simply doesn't work, and the Cubans can see how well the rest of the world is doing without it. Not that our economy here in the United States is doing that good, but at least we don't have bread lines or people going hungry.

Cuba's response to the virus has been baffling. Cuba either can't afford foreign vaccines or is simply trying to save face by developing their own. This has backfired immensely as the virus remains a major threat in Cuba while here in the United States it is an afterthought at best. Here in Wisconsin at least things are totally normal with new cases barely into the double digits. In Cuba? Hospitals are being overwhelmed with the numbers of sick.

This is of course incredibly embarrassing for Cuba and the leftist that idealized the country. Cuba's medical system was always one of the better received parts of the communist regime and the country was famous for its doctors. Doctors that were sent across the world. And their socialized medicine was praised by notable leftists like Michael Moore. But now? The system is collapsing to a disease that basically every other country has figured out and dealt with. 

Will these protests last? I am unsure. It really depends on what the Cuban government does. If they do nothing and let the protests continue they will likely die off on their own. But if they crack down it could lead to civil war. That's how much of the Arab Spring began and the Color Revolutions in Europe. If the Cuban government is smart they will back off. 

Cuba is of course blaming America for these protests. Given American involvment in the Arab Spring and the Color Revolutions, can you blame them? And it's not like there aren't factions in the US Government that would love to see the Cuban regime toppled, with Senator Marco Rubio being a pretty obvious choice. 

But I kind of doubt that we are responsible for these protests. For one thing, the Biden regime is fairly supportive of Cuba. After all, the Obama administration famously lifted sanctions on Cuba and I doubt that there is much difference in the Biden regime. I can't see why Biden would want Cuba turned away from Communism after all these years. 

On the other hand, it's not like the intelligence industry actually tells the President what they are doing. It's very possible that the CIA wants the Cuban government overthrown for their own reasons and are doing so without the input of Biden and his regime. The CIA kind of does what it wants these days, without much in the way of oversight. 

Regardless, I do hope that the situation ends with the Cuban regime condemned to the dustbin of history. It's an utter embarrassment that a communist regime has survived for this long despite the fact that it has done no favors for the Cuban people. And unlike other communist regimes the Cubans have done very little to liberalize and modernize. Seeing their regime fall would be very nice. 

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