Tuesday, July 20, 2021

FBI played major role in plot to kidnap Michigan Governor to the point the defense is arguing entrapment.


Members of the Wolverine Watchmen. Buzzfeed.

The FBI played a major role in the plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer to the point that the defense in the case is arguing entrapment. Buzzfeed. At least 12 undercover informers were working on the case that lead to the the arrest of 14 people. One FBI informant pushed the Wolverine Watchmen, to get military training, bring unstable people into the group and even paid for trips to practice military tactics. The informant was paid a large amount of money and goods, more than $50,000 worth, to inform on the group and encourage them into violent actions. The FBI informant became the head of the organization at one point. A FBI agent was also brought into the group by the informant, posing as an explosives dealer. 

My Comment:

Though normally I don't link to Buzzfeed, I did this time as their longform reporting here was very good and surprisingly unbiased. They actually played the article neutrally and never denounced the men for their anti-government views and avoided any "orange man bad" moments. I am actually impressed and wonder if this means that Buzzfeed news will attempt to be a more legitimate news outlet now. 

Regardless, this report is not surprising to me at all. When I first heard the news about the kidnapping plot against Governor Whitmer I immediately thought that the FBI had entrapped some naïve people again. Why? Because that's how the FBI operates, to the point where I seriously doubt that the FBI even investigates crime anymore. Entrapping marginal people into attempting terror attacks is their signature move these days. 

And it's not like they haven't done that before. The most notable is the Curtis Culwell Center attack where the FBI was so involved in the scheme to shoot up the Mohammed cartoon artshow that the FBI was actually at the scene watching it go down. And though that example is the most famous, it is far from the only one. 

I tend to have anti-government (or more accurately anti-Democrat) views myself but I never even considered joining these groups. Why? Because it is obvious from the start that they have been infiltrated by the FBI. Indeed, the FBI seems to be working overtime trying to radicalize people like me, who disapprove of the way things have gone recently. 

Indeed, I remember when the anti-government "boogaloo boys" movement popped out of nowhere. In the right wing places I monitor these people would make post that were obviously extreme and seemed to advocate violence. The communities I frequent obviously rejected them, since it was so obvious that the people posting them were "glowing", ie working for the FBI. 

I think the FBI's actions are a huge threat to democracy and are actively undermining efforts to peacefully and justly restore America to a better state. They are actively hindering the right from organizing by trying to radicalize and arrest members of the movement, while at the same time completely ignoring actual terror groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa. 

So what can the right wing do to avoid this? I think that any group that forms should realize that FBI infiltration is an inevitability so they should treat anyone who actually calls for violence seriously as a potential informant. These people should be kicked out of any group with prejudice. That would not only stop any risk of FBI infiltration it would also stop actual violence, which is a good thing as well. 

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