Sunday, July 4, 2021

Should Joe Biden take a cognitive ability test?


The Montreal Cognitive Assessment.

President Trump's former physician and now GOP congressman from Texas Ronny Jackson says that Joe Biden should take a cognitive test. Fox News. President Trump took the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) after the first year of his Presidency due to concerns about his age. The test is not an intelligence test but screens for common problems with the elderly including dementia and memory issues. Representative Jackson said that it seems clear that something is wrong with Biden, who has acted bizarrely and appeared confused on occasion. Biden is expected to have his health examined later in the year but it is unclear if Biden will take the MoCA assessment (or any other cognitive test). 

My Comment:

Though Ronny Jackson is hardly an unbiased source I do agree with him that Biden does seem to be in desperate need of a cognitive test. Even without any other considerations the man is 78 and that is an age when people tend to go down hill. Indeed, that's the average life expectancy for a male in the United States. 

But regardless of that, it's very clear that Biden is slipping and fairly rapidly. The last few times I have heard the man speak it has been utterly shocking to me. Compare the man from the 2012 debate with Paul Ryan and the man today and you can tell that something major has changed. Hell, compare him to the man he was during the 2020 election cycle and you can tell he's fading fast. 

I don't think that Biden would be able to complete this test without it showing signs of dementia and/or memory loss. Biden is erratic now and constantly stumbling on his words. He tends to bring notecards and other reminders to his events and I think there is a real reason why he isn't allowed any off the cuff questions from reporters. 

This is a huge issue as it begs the question who is actually running the country? Biden does not seem capable to me and if he isn't then is our country rudderless with nobody at the helm? It sure doesn't look like Kamala Harris is in charge, as she isn't even handling her Vice Presidential duties that well. Is it First Lady Jill Biden, like it was during the end of Woodrow Wilson's Presidency? Or is he being handled by his aides? 

Either way, a cognitive test would help convince people that Biden is still capable of anything, let alone being president. I don't think there is any excuse for him to not do so and if he refuses then we know the game is up and we don't actually have a president. Given how much I dislike Biden and his platform, that might not be the worst thing, but our enemies and competitors would surly take advantage of it. 

But if Biden does take the test and fails it miserably (like I expect), what happens then? One would hope he would resign (hopefully firing Kamala Harris beforehand as even a comatose Biden would be better than her). He could refuse though and then congress and his cabinet would have to try and enact the 25th Amendment. And I doubt that the Democrats would really go along with that even if Biden is so senile that he can no longer function at all. 

It is amazing to me that the media loved to bash President Trump and his cognitive abilities even though anyone who watched him speak knew that he was still very with it even into his mid-seventies. But with Joe Biden in power now it's clear that they won't cover this story. Outside of conservative outlets, you would never know that Biden is so frail mentally unless you went out of your way to see him speak. 

Finally, I have to say, that even though I despise Biden, his politics, the way he came for power and the utterly disgusting choice he made for VP, I do not wish senility on him. Indeed, I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Biden may be a bad person but I really wish that he actually is healthy and not becoming senile. I just don't believe that is the case... 

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