Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Biden accuses Russia of interfering with the 2022 midterms...


Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin. AFP.

Joe Biden has accused Russia of interfering with the 2022 midterms. AFP. Biden said that Russia was spreading "misinformation" ahead of the elections. It was unclear what he was referring to. Biden also insulted Russia and Putin saying the country only had oil and nuclear weapons going for it. He also complained about recent cyber attacks, some of which he blamed on Russia and China. 

My Comment:

Looks like the excuse making for 2022 is already beginning. I think Biden knows he will lose big in 2022 and wants to downplay it already. It's very likely that the Democrats will lose both the house and the senate. 

I don't think there is any evidence that Russia is interfering with the 2022 elections. There was hardly any evidence they interfered with the 2016 elections other than a few Facebook adds. Biden cites "misinformation" but we all know the definition of that has extended to include anything that Democrats disagree with. Russia is guilty of saying things Biden doesn't like so I guess that counts under his definitions. 

And I find it hugely hypocritical to complain about election interference after the utter disaster that was 2020. That was the worst election I have ever seen in America and I'm old enough to remember the Bush vs Gore mess. Why wasn't he whining about Putin interfering in that election, I wonder?

I do think that the Democrats are screwed in 2022. In general the ruling party loses houses in the midterm elections and I don't see any reason why that would change in 2020. It's almost a rule that it works that way so just on that alone the prospects for Biden and the Democrats are not good. 

There are other factors as well. The most obvious is the fact that many of the dirty tricks and outright fraud that happened in 2020 will not be possible in 2022. Many states have adjusted their election laws and the way the Democrats are utterly panicking about it shows how important it is. That won't help in blue states but basically every red state blue district is in trouble now. 

The census and redistricting will hurt the Democrats as well. Red states gained some seats while blue states lost them. This will help the Republicans of course and I don't see the Democrats winning any of the new seats in these red states. 

But I think that Biden's performance is going to be the biggest problem. Like it or not he is the face of the Democrats and his senility and unpopular actions will bring the party down. His pandemic response is a joke, bringing back mask mandates and threatening extremely unpopular vaccine mandates. The economy is already in a bubble and it will very likely burst sometime next year. And his entire party has failed to tackle the critical race theory attack. 

It's not like it's just Republicans and independents that are angry with Biden though. His party's left flank is pretty furious with him as well and may stay home in 2022. They are angry about expiring benefits, the eviction moratorium ending and the failure to do a lot of the anti-democratic things they want, like stacking the Supreme Court. That's a bad sign for a party that is screaming towards the far left. 

So Biden's plan isn't to win the 2022 midterms. I think he's already written it off. I think his only shot now is to hope that the Republicans don't win enough seats to impeach him or 25th amendment him. And when that happens his strategy is to try and blame it on Russia... again. 

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