Wednesday, September 25, 2019

My thoughts on the release of the Trump/Zelensky phone call transcript and the impeachment inquiry.

As you are almost certainly aware the conversation between President Donald Trump and President Volodymer Zelensky has been released. The conversation was cited by a "whistleblower" and was used by Nancy Pelosi to start an impeachment inquiry. You can read the entire conversation above by opening the image in a new tab or by looking at the scribd link below. 

What's my take on it? The Democrats and Nancy Pelosi screwed up. Massively. They had made it sound like this phone call was so damning that it was worth impeaching President Trump over. They had said that Trump had threatened Zelensky by withholding aid and that there was a quid pro quo deal arranged. 

Instead what we got was a fairly normal conversation between two leaders. Indeed, it seemed like the vast majority of the call was pleasantries and the normal non-critical things that happen when two people talk to each other. Indeed, I am guessing that the media will downplay how much Zelensky and Trump praised each other. It looks like they really like each other. 

As for Joe Biden and his scandal it took a long time to get to it. It was almost an afterthought and you can tell that it wasn't at all the main point of the conversation. It mostly was about the prosecutor that was fired and the scandal surrounding that. He didn't threaten or demand that Zelensky investigate it at all. Indeed, it looks like Joe Biden's own actions where he bragged about getting the prosecutor fired on video (see yesterdays post) launched this whole affair. 

There is zero evidence of any deal or any kind of quid pro quo. Trump did ask him to investigate but it wasn't conditional in anyway. And given that the initial subject of the conversation was dealing with corruption it's clear that that was the thrust of the conversation, not helping Trump out in 2020. 

Much more interesting is the discussion on the CrowdStrike server. As you may know CrowdStrike was in charge of security for the DNC server. They are the ones that said that Russia was responsible for hacking the DNC server and revealing that Hillary Clinton and the DNC colluded to screw over Bernie Sanders. However, the server itself disappeared and was never examined by outside experts. 

If President Trump is right and Ukrainians have the CrowdStrike server it could be a gamechanger. I've always thought that the idea that Russia was responsible for the DNC leak was a joke. The top theory is that it was an insider that did it, possibly murdered DNC Staffer Seth Rich. Julian Assange strongly implied that he was the source for the DNC leak and offered a reward for information that lead to an arrest in the case. If we can get that server we might blow the lid of off the biggest scandal in American history. 

As for the politics of this situation it's clear that the Democrats and the Media are panicking. The most common refrain I have heard is that the transcript is fake or has been edited. There isn't any evidence of that whatsoever. They are now demanding a recording of the conversation which probably doesn't exist. It makes zero sense that this would be edited as there was some embarrassing stuff in the transcript, including President Trump and President Zelensky insulting German Chancellor Angela Merkel. 

Other people are continuing to insist that there really was a quid pro quo despite there being no evidence of it. I can't think of any reason to believe that other than people suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Some people are just so invested in trying to get President Trump that they will believe whatever they want. Furthermore, it isn't clear at all that Zelensky is actually investigating the Bidens. 

I think that Nancy Pelosi will have to back down. She sold her impeachment inquiry as the thing that would finally get President Trump. But now it looks like her party is the one that is going to have problems. Joe Biden might have to shut down his campaign if what he bragged about is true and it seems clear that the whole Russia house of cards will collapse even further. I don't think she will withdraw her impeachment inquiry but if she moves on it now after this story fell apart she will be screwed. 

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