Friday, September 20, 2019

Justin Trudeau's party plots ban, confiscation of semi-auto rifles and handgun bans.

Canadian Prime Minster Justin Trudeau. CBC/The Canadian Press.

Justin Trudeau's liberal party is proposing a ban and confiscation of semi-auto rifles and allowing municipalities to fully ban handguns. CBC. The ban would include the popular AR-15 rifle along with many others. The liberals would institute a "buyback" confiscation scheme that would pay owners to turn their rifles in. With at least 250,000 semi-auto's in Canada, paying a fair market value for the rifles would cost $600 million. Additional laws regarding ammunition and red flag laws have been proposed as well. The conservative party opposes new gun laws and accused Trudeau of proposing the laws to distract from various scandals rocking his election campaign. It is important to note that any laws would be put into place after the next election. 

My Comment:
It's hard not to see this as anything but a cynical attempt to distract the media from Trudeau's blackface scandal, which has now risen to three different photographs. By proposing this law, which goes further than any other gun control laws in Canada, he is trying to control the conversation away from the scandal that threatens to bring down his party. 

The law is similar to what Robert Francis O'Rourke and Kamala Harris are proposing here in America, and I wonder if he didn't draw inspiration to them. Both candidates were and are collapsing in the polls but it did get them a lot of positive media coverage. The very same media that would normally be bashing Trudeau for perceived racism are now praising him for his "brave" stance on betraying the rights of his people. 

Will it become a reality? If the liberals win in the next election, I do think that it will likely happen. The left globally hates the idea of civilian gun ownership as the left is primarily about power these days. They don't want anyone to have any but themselves but gun ownership obviously tips the balance in favor of the people as opposed to the elite. They will do almost anything to take the right to keep and bear arms away wherever it still exists. 

Would the people of Canada go along with this if it happened? I am not sure. Canada has a strong gun culture but it's different than America's. I do believe if something like this passed in the United States you would see almost universal resistance and possibly violence if the government was stupid enough to go door to door. 

Canada though? I'm not sure. I think there is enough overlap between the American gun rights community and the Canadian one that there would be some resistance for sure. And I also think fewer people would turn their guns in than they did in New Zealand (which was in fact very low). But I also don't think that there would be the kind of universal resistance and armed uprising you would see in the United States. 

However, I do think Canada's brothers to the south would have a real problem if they passed this law. I'd consider it an act of bravery to smuggle arms into Canada if it comes to fighting their government and if fighting were to break out, not likely but possible, many Americans would cross the border to fight the Canadian government. 

That being said, I don't think that this becomes law because Justin Trudeau and the Liberals are likely to lose in the next election. That was true before the blackface scandal rocked his party. What happens beyond that I don't know but I think for now the limited remaining rights of gun owners in Canada are safe. 

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