Sunday, September 1, 2019

Hurricane Dorian gains strength to a category 5 storm and devastates the Bahamas.

Hurricane Dorian has gained strength to a category 5 storm and has already devastated the Bahamas. NBC News. When the storm hit Great Abaco Island the wind speed was 185 miles per hour, which is the worst recorded since a storm that hit the Florida Keys in 1935. There are reports of extreme damage to buildings in the Bahamas. No deaths have been reported in the storm so far. The storm is expected to hit the east coast of Florida on Tuesday. 

My Comment:
Just a quick post on Hurricane Dorian. I hadn't been paying too close attention to the storm but it appears that was a mistake. The storm has spiraled out of control and now is a monster of a storm with extremely high winds. And there isn't any indication that the storm is going to calm down. Indeed, it might even get stronger.

It looks like it is going to make a direct hit of Florida as a category five storm.  It will then move north, potentially affecting Georgia, the Carolina's and maybe perhaps even Virginia. The storm is not moving very quickly either so it will have a long time to do damage.

It's a hugely disruptive storm. This weekend is a holiday weekend in the United States and many people are traveling. Dorian will disrupt those plans and cause quite a bit of economic damage.

I do have to say on a more personal note that this storm seemed to strengthen out of nowhere. People were saying that it might hit Florida as a category 1 storm and all of a sudden it's one of the biggest storms we have seen. It's more than a little shocking.

I'm far from an expert on weather and climate so I will keep the rest of this post brief. I do want to say that I hope that this storm doesn't cause much more damage. It already looks like the Bahamas has been devastated and if the storm keeps this kind of power it will greatly damage the coast of Florida at the very least. My sincere hope that everyone makes it through and the damage is kept to a minimum.

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