Sunday, July 7, 2024

The knives are out for Joe Biden as Democratic congressional leadership wants him to step down.


Joe Biden. Fox News.

Multiple high ranking Democrats have called for Joe Biden to drop out of the presidential race. Fox News. House leadership had a call with Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries ended with a consensus that Biden should drop out in favor of Kamala Harris. Representatives Jerry Nadler, Mark Takano, Don Beyer and Adam Smith said Biden should drop out, though Beyer denied this for his part. The meeting happened after a 22 minute ABC News interview that was supposed to ease concerns among Democrats that Biden was senile. However, the interview just raised more concerns. However, Biden himself said that it would take an act of God for him to drop out of the race.

My Comment:

The Democrat civil war over Joe Biden continues. It seems very clear that there is a coordinated push to get rid of Biden and install Kamala Harris as the candidate instead. And it appears that most of the media is on the side of those that want Biden out. 

The ABC interview was evidence of that. Had Biden still been in the good graces of ABC News, they would have covered for him and edited the video in his favor. They had been doing that for years in favor of Biden and against Donald Trump, and the fact that they are no longer doing so shows that Biden is on the outs with them.

And there is now supposedly support for getting Biden out in the House. These aren't random representatives, these were committee members and the folks with power. If the report is true then it means that Biden might be in trouble. These folks have some weight in the Democratic Party and they can put a lot of pressure on Biden to drop out. 

But is the story true? Given that there weren't any sources listed in any of the reports that mentioned this story and that one of the people quoted as being against Biden said the story was false, I think there is an open question if it is. Like I said, the media is against Biden now so they could have made the whole thing up or not bothered to confirm it.

As for Biden? Despite a bad weekend there still isn't any evidence that he is considering dropping out. Indeed, he was quoted as saying that it would take "the Lord Almighty [to] come down and say, ‘Joe, get outta the race.'" That could just be him putting on a face but if it is what he is actually thinking then the Democrats might be in serious trouble, at least in terms of any plan to replace him. The Democrats could replace him with Harris but only if Biden drops out willingly. Getting rid of him any other way is a non-starter. 

What do I think will happen? Honestly I don't know. I think that Biden himself is convinced he can win, somehow, and I don't see  him dropping out, especially since Jill and Hunter Biden desperately want him to stay in the race. 

But I also know a media hit job when I see one. The powers that be in the media want Biden out because they know he can't win. Why they think any Democrat can win in 2024 is beyond me but they want to roll the dice with Kamala than have a very bad loss with Biden. 

The real test I think will be if they are willing to "go there" with Biden. Biden has a lot of scandals that would have utterly destroyed a Republican president. To his obvious corrupt links to Ukraine and China, his utterly inappropriate actions with dozens of women and children caught on video, to everything on his son's laptop, there is more than enough to bury Biden.

But will the media go there? I am guessing not. They don't want to admit that the right wing media that covered these things were right and that Biden was a corrupt senile pervert that had no business being President. Given how much of a scandal it is that they were covering for Biden's senility, I don't think it will happen. 

Still, it does seem that there is potential for Biden being replaced. There is at least some momentum for it to happen at this point. The logistics of it would be a nightmare and I think it would pretty much seal the election for Donald Trump, but that's neither her nor there. Perhaps by the end of this week we will have clarity on who the candidate will be. 

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