Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Iran is supposedly working on their own assassination plot against Donald Trump.


Donald Trump at the RNC with a bandaged ear. Politico/AP.

Iran is supposedly working on their own assassination plot against Donald Trump. Politico. Two intelligence officials said the information came from various sources in Iran. Iran has had a grudge against Trump since he authorized an airstrike against the commander of the Quds force, Qassem Soleimani, in 2020. The officials say there could be more attempts on Trump's life before the 2024 election in November. The plot is not connected to the assassination attempt on Trump's life on Saturday, which appears to have no connections to foreign actors. Iran has used influence in the United States before and it, along with their Hezbollah allies, have the capability to launch attacks in the country. 

My Comment:

I have reason to be skeptical of this report. For one it's from CNN and they are quoting anonymous sources. That's two strikes right there, which usually means that I would dismiss the story out of hand. 

And furthermore, this seems to be the kind of thing that the deep state would put out there to get people to support a war against Iran. After all, if Iran actually did this it would be a valid casus belli for a war against them and even I would probably end up supporting it if they assassinated Trump. And I think even the most devoted Trump haters would be upset if Iran took him down. So it's very possible that this story is made up. 

But I also think it could be true. It's no secret that Iran hates Trump because he killed Soleimani. I think it was justified due to Soleimani's actions against US Troops in the region but Iran certainly didn't see it that way. They loved Soleimani almost as much as MAGA loves Trump, so it makes sense that they would want revenge. 

I also think that Iran might be emboldened because of the weakness of the Biden White House. Biden has given them a free pass for the most part. Plus, Iran has a new de facto ally in Russia which would make any retaliation against Iran a lot more painful. Given that they probably think that Trump is going to win and will likely be a lot more harsh than Biden and their personal hatred of him I think it's very possible they will try something. 

Rationally, it would be a horrible idea. Like I said, right now America is very skeptical of a new war against Iran and another attempt on Trump's life, successful or not, could be one of the few things that could change that. Iran would likely lose a war against the United States unless they had Russia's help as an active combatant and even if they did win, it would come at an extreme cost. 

Can they pull it off? Well, before this Saturday I would have said no, but the Secret Service has been exposed as a joke. Last Saturday's attempt should not have happened and it seems clear that the Secret Service has prioritized diversity over competence. And Iran certainly has enough sleeper agents in the United States, along with their Hezbollah proxies, that they could launch an attack. 

I would also add that Joe Biden could be at threat from Iran as well. Though Biden is presumably protected a bit more than Trump is, he has been a major ally of Israel, though a squishy one. Iran could want to take him out as well if they think it would be advantageous if a major war breaks out. 

Regardless, this story is not a positive one and makes me worried that something else could happen. Trump survived the last attack through pure luck, happenstance and/or divine intervention, he might not be so lucky if it happens again. And if Iran is the one that tries to it, we will not only have the chaos of a successful assassination against a beloved political figure, we would have a new war on our hands as well... My sincere hope is that this is nothing but noise from the intel agencies and not a real thing. Either way though, I hope that Trump (and Biden for that matter) stay safe from further attacks. 

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