Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Pro-Hamas protesters vandalize Washington DC as Benjamin Netanyahu speaks to Congress.


A protester holds up a Hamas flag. Fox News.

Pro-Hamas protesters vandalize Washington DC as Benjamin Netanyahu speaks to congress. Fox News. The protesters were seen carrying the Hamas flag and heard them yelling "Allah Akbar". At Union Station they burned the American flag, defaced a statue of Christopher Columbus by writing "Hamas is coming" and raised the Palestinian flag after taking down the American one. A Jewish person was chased by the protesters after he objected to their behavior. Six people were arrested in the US Capitol building itself while there were also arrests at Union Station and the Capitol grounds. 

My Comment:

I recommend reading the source article this time, if not for the text but for the very good pictures the Fox News team took at the protests. I know people have issues with Fox News, and I do sometimes as well, but credit where credit is due, their photographer did a great job. 

As for the protests, it's such a bad look for them. Flying the flag of Hamas, burning the American flag and chasing after a Jewish person is not going to get normal folks on their side. People really hate this kind of disrespect and it makes me less likely to support Hamas, if such a thing is possible. 

I would also point out that it makes it a lot harder for people to argue that these protesters are not "pro-Hamas" when folks are screaming Allah Akbar and flying the Hamas flag. I have gotten pushback a few times for describing them as pro-Hamas, but given that these folks flying the flag weren't kicked out immediately then I think it's fair to say that they are tolerated by the protesters. 

It's also not going to affect Benjamin Netanyahu at all. He's determined to win the war against Hamas and I don't see how these protests are supposed to change his mind. He doesn't care at all what these folks think of him and he was insulting them as being useful idiots for Iran in his speech, which is hard to argue against. 

If there is good news about this it's that a lot of the protest energy in the USA right now will be directed at Israel and not used in a way that is advantageous of Kamala Harris. They are now trying to hype a shooting to try and start the Summer of Love part two but given that BLM hates Kamala and the rest of the far let absolutely despises Israel, they aren't going to be rioting over anything else. Plus, as a de facto incumbent, it hurts Kamala to see widespread civil distress. 

I have to admit that I find the pro-Hamas side to be literally incomprehensible. I can't imagine anyone taking the side of the Hamas under any circumstances. They have never been sympathetic in anyway even before the October 7th attacks. Israel is far from perfect but I can't see how anyone could care at all about the terrorists in Gaza. Maybe the kids? But other than that, who cares? These folks hate us. 

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