Wednesday, July 10, 2024

House passes SAVE act which would force people to prove citizenship in order to vote.


The House of Representatives. Fox News/Getty.

The House has passed the SAVE act, which would force people to prove citizenship in order to vote. Fox News. The vote passed 221-198 with five Democrats voting for the bill. The law would allow states to ask if a voter has citizenship and would provide states access to a federal database where non-citizens could be removed from voter rolls. It would also notify DHS to expedite deportation for illegal aliens trying to vote. The act is unlikely to make it through the Senate and Joe Biden has vowed to veto the bill. Critics have said the bill is redundant because it is already illegal for non-citizens to vote and claim that the bill would stop citizens from voting. However, a 1993 law prevents states from confirming citizenship status.

My Comment:

This bill is DOA in the Senate and even if it were to pass there Joe Biden has said he would veto it. Indeed, this is little more than an election year statement and it will show the voters where people stand on the issue.

It's fairly absurd that this is even an issue. In a perfect world there would be zero chance of any non-citizen, legal or otherwise, voting in any election. People that don't have citizenship should have zero say in the laws of the country. That's one of the basic duties of government and the fact that the Democrats are opposed to this bill says a lot about them. 

I don't believe their arguments for a second that this would prevent anyone from voting that has the right to vote. Proving citizenship is not hard and from what I understand you would only have to do it once. For the very few people that might have difficulty doing this could be helped by any of dozens of voter registration groups. It's a non-issue. 

But non-citizens voting in our elections? Huge issue. Every vote that is made by a non-citizen cancels out a vote from a citizen. If it happens even once that means the election is not valid or fair. How often does it happen? Unfortunately there is no way to know as our elections are an absolute mess. 

Of course the Democrats want it to happen more than it already does. It would make vote fraud a lot easier. Anyone could register someone to vote and then all you have to do is fill out the ballot for them. Doing so is trivial and without any protections from this kind of fraud, you would have no way to detect it either. The SAVE act would fix that as you would not be able to register if you can't prove citizenship and you would be sent to the front of the line for deportation if you tried. It wouldn't solve other methods of voter fraud, but it would stop one. 

But with the bill being DOA once it gets to the Senate it hardly matters. The only purpose this serves is forcing Democrats to come out against something that is very popular. Hopefully the Republicans win in 2024 and are able to push this through again once Biden and the Democrats are out of office. 

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