Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Gaza pier debacle continues with pier scheduled to be removed soon.


The pier in operation at Gaza. ABC News/Reuters.

The controversial Gaza pier that was built to deliver aid will shut down in a few days. ABC News. The pier, which has been troubled with damage caused by high waves, will be reinstalled on Wednesday and then removed a few days later. The pier will be used to clear out a backlog of aid that has piled up at Cyprus. The pier was put into place on May 17th but was only in operation for 23 out of 53 days. The pier proved unable to deal with weather conditions and was damaged due to high waves once. The pier had been used to deliver 19.4 million pounds of aid but most of it remains on the beach as the World Food Program refused to pick it up due to security concerns. Some of that aid has now been picked up but much of it remains. 

My Comment:

This pier cost $230 million and that's not counting the price of the aid. And for what? So the supplies could pile up at the beach and not get to where it was supposed to go in the first place? To people that hate us and would see us dead after they launched a major terror attack? It's all insane. 

What is really frustrating is that it was obviously going to fail right from the start, or at least should have been to the government. This pier wasn't rated for the rough seas found in that part of the Mediterranean. It was meant for calm waters and without a jetty to protect it, there was no real chance for it to succeed. 

So why did it get built in the first place? Politics. The Biden administration was getting hit hard by their left flank for supporting Israel so they had to send aid. Neither Israel or Egypt would play ball and allow aid to flow and air drops kept killing people. So they built this pier to try and placate the anti-Israel left.

And the funny thing is? I don't think they cared. They still hate Biden for supporting Israel in the first place and the tiny amount of aid delivered didn't change any minds. Indeed, I am guessing more people were convinced to vote against Biden because of his failure here than were convinced to come back into the fold. But the people that hate Israel weren't going to forgive Biden just because he send some aid. They call him "Genocide Joe", you really think they would forgive him?

The sad thing is that I was kind of impressed when they started this pier. Had they placed it in a place where it made sense, which I bet they could have found in Gaza somewhere, it could have been a success. The mission was a joke regardless, but we could have done without the embarrassment. Our troops were set up for failure here by their higher ups and I do want to given them credit for at least trying to carry out their dumb orders. 

As for the war itself, it's fallen into the background, along with just about everything else, due to the Biden debate debacle. That's probably not ideal as it seems pretty clear that the war will expand to involve Hezbollah. The Gaza portion appears to be winding down a bit, but it might just be a prelude to a larger conflict with Hezbollah. Hopefully that conflict can be avoided but I am skeptical that it will...  

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