Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Joe Biden comes down with the Coronavirus/Covid19...


Joe Biden this morning. Fox News.

Joe Biden has been diagnosed with a Covid19 infection. Fox News. Biden will return to Delaware and will continue to do his job in isolation, his press secretary said. Biden told journalists that he "felt good" as he was leaving an event that got canceled in Nevada. Biden's symptoms included a cough, runny nose and malaise but he is not running a fever. The illness comes at a critical point at his campaign as some in his party have called on him to step out of the race. 

My Comment:

I am hoping that the president has a speedy recovery. The last thing the country needs right now is for Joe Biden to get seriously ill. Thankfully it seems that Biden is mostly fine, with no fever and all the symptoms of a mild cold. The Coronavirus is not anywhere near as bad as it once was. Biden also has some natural immunity since he already had the virus in 2022, so this should be mostly a distraction for his campaign.

Still, Biden is old and in poor health generally. Though the Coronavirus is less dangerous than Influenza it's still more dangerous than a cold. If anyone is vulnerable for this virus it could be Biden. He looked pretty weak going up the stairs to Air Force One but to be fair, he usually does. Still, I doubt that this will be a serious issue for Biden. 

There are already rumors that this will be the thing, for sure this time, that will cause Joe Biden to drop out. He had said that only a serious illness would cause him to do so, but I find the whole thing ridiculous. So far Biden has been steadfast in the idea that he is going to stay in the race, and when he meant serious illness I am sure he wasn't talking about a minor fight with Covid. I have zero reason to believe that this will be the thing that gets Biden to drop out. 

The real problem for Biden is that he is going to be  stuck in his home in Delaware during a critical moment in his campaign. To be fair, he wasn't going to get the focus back this week regardless. Between the Trump assassination attempt and the RNC, nobody is thinking much about Biden right now, though this will get him back into the news briefly.   

But the problem is that even after this week he's probably going to be tired and worn out. A minor illness hits a lot harder when you are in your 80's and Biden already has problems with energy and sundowning. It's very possible he will have another bad moment like he had at the debate. That could kill his campaign and force him out, though even that seems unlikely. 

My guess is that Biden will be chilling out in Delaware for more than the isolation period. I think avoiding another "Biden moment" is more important to them than whatever gains they can get from campaigning. It could be a major mistake though as Biden is playing from behind now. The 2020 strategy of hiding in the basement isn't going to work.

Finally, I do have to say that this really shows how much the virus has changed. Back when Donald Trump got sick with the virus there was serious concern that he wasn't going to make it and he was very sick. Now Biden, who is in much worse health that Trump, has it and I am not concerned at all. As expected, the virus has morphed into another cold virus which can be a threat if you are especially vulnerable, but is mostly an annoyance at this point. 

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