Monday, March 22, 2021

What is the Biden administration trying to do with foreign policy?


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Asia Times/AFP.

The Biden Administration threatened sanctions against four different countries in the past 72 hours including Russia, China, India, and Germany raising questions as to what goals the Biden administration even has and who is in control of foreign policy. Asia Times. These actions make little sense as both India and Germany are US allies. The threatened sanctions against India is for their purchase of the S-400 anti-air system made by Russia, which may push India out of the alliance against China. Germany is about to finish a pipeline to ship natural gas from Russia but has been threatened by the Biden administration to end the project as well. The threats against allies comes after a disasterours meeting with China were US diplomats exchanged insults with Chinese diplomats in Anchorage Alaska and one of the most notable diplomatic insults in recent history where Joe Biden called Vladimir Putin of Russia a "killer".

My Comment:

Though the above source was an opinion piece it was one that I agree with entirely. I have no idea what the Biden administration is trying to accomplish here. If he was trying to isolate Russia, why piss off the Chinese, Indians and Germans? And if he was trying to isolate China he did a piss poor job of it.

Angering our allies is not going to help things. The Germans were already angry with us over making them pay their fair share in NATO under President Trump, but threatening to sanction them in a blackmail attempt to either prop up Ukraine or buy our own natural gas instead of Russians is not going to help things. At this point the Germans should finish the pipeline just on principle. 

India too is a head scratcher. They are probably our biggest ally against China due to their large military and huge border with China. They alone could probably prevent a war in the South China Sea as the Chinese wouldn't be able to protect their western flank. But we are pissing away that advantage because they are buying some crappy Russian missiles? Why should we care about that?

I already discussed the absolutely vile insult that Biden sent to Putin. Wars have been started for less than what Biden did here. Though it's undeniable that Putin is a killer, basically every world leader is, including Biden himself. Saying he has no soul is even worse and pissing him off makes zero sense. I know the neocons and neoliberals always want to go to war with Russia, even they have to admit that his is utter idiocy.

And that has nothing on how badly the United States bungled the Anchorage summit. All the US did was insult the Chinese and the Chinese responded in kind, pointing out that the actions were not of a country that was confident in their position. Absolutely nothing was accomplished and the world is laughing at us. 

The really sad thing is that Germany and India are not the only allies we pissed off under Biden. Canada too is furious with us for canceling the Keystone Pipeline, which was almost finished. That hurt their economy pretty badly, well at the same time screwing over thousands of US workers. 

Mexico and many Central American countries are furious as well. Biden's open border policy is causing major problems for Mexico and the other central American countries. They are having to deal with a major refugee crisis and are not getting any help from the Biden administration. This is a huge turnaround from the Trump days when we actually had a good relation with Mexico and had the immigration issue mostly solved. 

And the Middle East? Forget it. We have basically abandoned all of our Arab allies and Israel in favor of placating Iran. We are not allowing them to purchase weapons to defend themselves and we are on the verge of letting Iran get nuclear weapons. Again, we are reversing the real accomplishments that Trump made in making a major alliance against Iran and actually making peace deals between the Arabs and Israel.

I know some people are going to be saying "well what about Trump". And I agree, Trump insulted people as well. But unlike Biden he always had more going on than just insults. He would say dumb stuff on Twitter but then he was also working behind the scenes to actually make efforts at diplomacy. And it got some results as we avoided war with North Korea and Iran and actually gathered new allies in Asia and the Middle East. Biden is just making threats and insulting countries for no real reason.

All of this begs the question what on earth is the plan here? And I think the commentary is right, there is no plan. Biden is not a strong president and his various underlings are kind of doing whatever they hell they want because there isn't a coherent narrative to draw on. Biden himself is barely there anymore and it seems that his senility is growing worse. And I don't think Kamala Harris would be doing any better. The world senses weakness and we are going to pay the price. 

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