Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Senator Marco Rubio is concerned about UFO's seen around our military instillations.


Senator Marco Rubio shared concerns about UFO's seen around American military bases. TMZ. The government will have to release all their classified information on UFOs in a couple of months. Rubio claimed that there are UFOs flying around our military bases that have not been identified. He also seemed concerned that the UFOs could be from foreign governments, though he also quipped that if the UFO's are aliens they must be much more advanced then us. 

My Comment:
I wanted to write a less serious post after this weeks events and I thought this was a good one. I don't usually use TMZ as a source but the article is pretty much them restating the questions and answers they got from Senator Rubio so it's not the end of the world to use them. 

This issue isn't a joke though, it is a serious problem. Regardless of the source of this phenomenon, it's a real threat to have unknown objects flying over our military base. It could be anything and if a war happens it could end up losing us the war. 

The most likely explanation is of course a secular one. These objects are probably some kind of earth-borne technology. These are likely government funded drones with technology beyond what is publicly known.  

It's a real concern if these objects are operated by a foreign government. These UFO's seem to have technology far beyond what we have here in the US and if they are a foreign government we are in serious trouble. That means Russia or China has a huge technological advantage over us and can surveil our military bases at will. 

It's also possible that these UFO's are US technology and it's a major case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing. Indeed, it may have been tests of our own technology picked up by our military forces. If those programs are classified it is not surprising that our government wouldn't tell our military what was going on. 

Another possibility is that these are simply natural phenomenon with some kind of unknown explanation or even cases of software glitches or mistaken identity. Given what has been released already I think that seems unlikely. The video and witness we have had talking about the tic-tac UFO's encountered by the US Navy seem credible and I don't see how so many systems could confirm these objects and be wrong at the same time. And I have no idea what kind of natural phenomenon could cause these sightings. Swamp gas maybe?

The least likely but most dangerous and paradigm shifting would be an alien intelligence. If these are aliens and they have any hostile intent we are pretty much screwed. With the level of technology they would have it would be trivial for them to either take over or utterly destroy us. If their intent was peaceful then perhaps we could have diplomatic relations but that's putting the cart before the horse. Either way it would forever change the world and the human species to find out we are not alone. 


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