Thursday, March 25, 2021

Georgia finally passes election security bill...


Georgia representatives talk while the Senate debates the bill. AJC.

Georgia finally has passed an election security bill after questionable results in the 2020 presidential and senatorial elections. Atlanta Journal Constitution. Governor Kemp signed the bill into law almost immediately after the bill passed. The bill would ensure that absentee ballots will be confirmed by driver's license instead of by signature. It would also restrict absentee ballot drop off locations and times and shorten the times between runoff elections. State officials will also be able to take over control of elections from local governments if they suspect fraud. Democrats were furious to the point where one was arrested for trying to disrupt the Governor's statement on the bills. 

My Comment:

Why in God's name did it take so long for this to happen? This could have been done before the 2020 election and even if that failed it could have been used before the runoff elections that gave the Senate to the Democrats. There is no excuse for the Republicans in Georgia for not getting this done before now. 

It makes me think that they wanted the Democrats to win in 2020. After all it was mostly national elections up for grabs in 2020 and not the governor's race. The next election is for the governor's race and I guess that actually matters to them. Though I agree that action must be taken to prevent Stacy Abrahams from coming anywhere near power the same thing could be same for the White House and Senate. 

The Democrats are predictably furious, claiming that this bill is racist. They would do so regardless but it's not. Almost everyone can get an ID in Georgia and even assuming they can't there are still other options. If people are unable to do that then they probably aren't capable of voting in the first place.

Getting rid of signature verification is also very bad for Democrats as using license numbers instead pretty much destroys any chance at voter fraud. A signature can easily be faked for people who aren't actually voting but it's a lot harder to fake a driver's licence number. 

Being able to take back control over the elections from corrupt city districts is another huge victory and one that should help keep the election honest and safe. It was very clear during the 2020 election fiasco that local officials were not being honest in what they were doing. If they weren't in control Donald Trump would be President right now and the Republicans would probably have the Senate and House as well. 

The Democrats claim that these election security measures are racist. To that I say this. It's incredibly racist to assume that black people can't do simple things like vote on voting days, get a driver's license or understand voting laws. Protecting elections is a lot more important than protecting the sensitive feelings of the Democrats, who aren't acting in good faith regardless. 

What is needed is more reform in other states. Other states are taking action to correct the mistakes of 2020 and we need more of that. The problem is that these actions are only happening in red states, with blue states going even further in making voting insecure. And at the federal level things are even worse, with the Democrats pushing HR-1, a bill that would essentially make elections pointless as Democrats would never lose a national election again. 

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