Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Russia recalls its ambassador after Joe Biden calls Vladimir Putin a "killer" and said he would face consequences.


Vladimir Putin. Reuters/Sputnik. 

Russia has recalled its ambassador after Joe Biden called Vladimir Putin a "killer" and claimed that he would face consequences for "interfering with the election". Reuters. Biden made his comments after an intelligence report claimed, without evidence, that Putin had helped President Trump in the 2020 election, which the Russians said was a baseless claim. The ambassador was recalled so he could be consulted with in an effort to prevent a total breakdown of relations between the United States and Russia. 

My Comment:

I had hoped that Biden would have been better than Russia than Hillary Clinton would have been but apparently not. This move is utterly baffling and one that will almost certainly have extreme consequences. I can't believe that Biden is this stupid. 

First of all, there is no evidence that Russia interfered with the 2020 elections. Even in the 2016 elections all they did was buy a few facebook ads, which was more about sewing chaos than helping one candidate over the other. The "report" that claimed this cited no evidence and absolved China's obvious attempts to get Biden into the White House. It was nonsense and obviously so. 

There is not doubt that Putin hates Hillary Clinton and the reason why is pretty obvious. Back in the day Hillary Clinton compared Putin to Hitler, a huge insult to a Russian. It seems like Biden has made the same mistake. This was a major diplomatic insult done for basically no reason. 

Some people are probably saying "but isn't Putin a killer because of X". To that I say, what world leader isn't a killer? Biden certainly is. He caused a ton of deaths in the Middle East while he was Vice President and has already launched strikes in Syria. Even President Trump, who was much more dove like in comparison, killed people. Biden is certainly no better than Putin here. 

I also have to say that it's just disgusting that Biden is focusing on Russia when China is the obvious threat. They allowed the Coronavirus to spread, they have committed economic warfare against the United States and they have corrupted many of our politicians, including Biden himself. Russia is just a paper tiger that is only a threat at all because they have nukes. 

In a sane world America would be cozying up to Putin and Russia as they would make natural allies against China. China is an aggressive actor and are as big of a threat to Russia as they are to us. It makes no sense to fight them. 

But it sure looks a conflict with Russia is possible now. Such a conflict will be devastating to everyone involved, other than China, which would love to see a nuclear exchange between Russia and the United States. Biden and his neo-liberal advisors want a war and it looks like they could get it after this diplomatic insult. 

The only good news is that I actually trust Putin a lot more than I do Biden. Putin knows that Biden is going to be dead or otherwise out of office before the end of his term. I don't think Kamala Harris will be any better but I do think that Russia thinks there will be another GOP president after 2024. I think he realizing that he can probably just wait this out.  

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