Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Hillary Clinton claims that nobody likes Bernie Sanders.

Hillary Clinton in 2016. Gage Skidmore.

Hillary Clinton started a firestorm of controversy after being extremely critical of 2020 candidate Bernie Sanders. Fox News. Clinton, in a wide ranging interview with the Hollywood Reporter, said she wasn't sure if she would support Sanders in the 2020 race. He also criticized the Sanders campaign for tolerating a culture of allowing people to attack the female candidates in the race, calling supporters "Bernie Bros". She also claimed that "nobody likes him" and that she believed Elizabeth Warren when she said Sanders said a woman couldn't win in 2020. Clinton walked back the remarks on Twitter. 

The Hollywood Reporter story can be found here.

My Comment:
Seems Hillary Clinton is still bitter about her race against Bernie Sanders. This is more than a little odd as she beat Sanders in the end and he ended up endorsing and campaigning for her in the 2016 race. As is typical for Clinton she is blaming everyone in the world, no matter how little their actual impact was, instead of herself for losing in 2016. I thought that Sanders sold out to help her at a high personal cost for himself and alienating many of his supporters, so I really don't get why Clinton is so bitter.

I also think it's pretty obviously wrong that nobody likes Bernie Sanders. He has a ton of support and is consistently near the top in the 2020 polls. He has endorsements from politicians and celebrities and had a lot of grass roots support in 2016. Even Republicans have a bit of respect for him as he is less hated than Hillary Clinton.

This story obviously angered a lot of Bernie Sanders fans on social media and elsewhere. Not only did Clinton stab Sanders in the back she repeated the slur that Sanders supporters are all male and sexist against women. Quite understandably, they are quite upset about this. Several anti-Clinton hashtags trended on Twitter and more than a few people were getting into fights online over the issue.

It's not like relations were good between the Clinton camp and the Sanders camp in the first place. They correctly blame Clinton and the DNC for rigging the primary against them, going so far as to give her the debate questions. The also, incorrectly, believe that Donald Trump would not be president today if Sanders has been the candidate.

I also see this as a move for Clinton to back Elizabeth Warren's failing campaign. Warren got into it with Sanders over a report that he said a woman can't win the presidency. I personally don't believe that for a second due to the fact that Warren is a habitual liar. But it's clear that the Warren camp wants to paint Sanders as a sexist and this is Clinton trying to bolster that effort. It's no secret that Warren and Clinton are close, so it's fairly predictable.

Of course it's not like the Sanders camp is free from sin here. Project Veritas has released a series of video showing how radical their staffers are. They are saying things like rich people need to be killed and Republicans should be sent to reeducation camps. And the infighting between the progressive wing of the party and the old guard neoliberals is well documented and far from civil.

But I do have to say that I feel a bit for Sanders and his supporters. I despise Sanders and his politics and his supporters are misguided at best, but they are being unfairly tarred by the media. They are many things, most of them a bad, but I have never bought them as sexist and I always felt it was a total slander.

I also think it's a fairly disturbing trend being pushed by the media and the Democrats. Whenever someone criticizes a Democrat who happens to be a woman it just can't be because it's valid criticism. It has to be because anyone who would ever oppose a woman has to be sexist! It's such a b.s. way to shut down criticism and the sad thing is that other than President Trump it seems to work every time.

Though I think this interview in the Hollywood Reporter was to promote her special on Hulu, but I also think that the entire thing is a setup in order to position Hillary Clinton to be the candidate. If Warren doesn't win and the Democrats have a brokered convention, I could see Clinton swooping in to take the candidacy. Such a thing would probably destroy the Democratic Party but I have always thought Clinton was selfish enough to do such a thing. After all, it was her turn in 2016, so why wouldn't she be arrogant enough to think it's her turn in 2020?

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