Monday, September 23, 2024

Department of Justice releases letter from Ryan Routh, who tried to ambush Donald Trump.


Ryan W. Routh, who had set up an ambush with a rifle at Trump's golf course. Fox News/Reuters. 

The Department of Justice released a letter from Ryan Routh, the man who tried to assassinate Donald Trump. Fox News. The letter was given to the FBI by a witness who was mailed it months ago. In the letter Routh accepted responsibility for the attack and said he was indeed trying to assassinate Trump. He also offered a $150,000 bounty to "finish the job". The release has come under withering criticism, including from former Attorney General Bill Barr. Barr said that releasing the letter was rash, served no purpose and would only incite further violence. He also questioned why the information would be released unredacted saying that there was more than enough evidence to hold Routh without bail. 

My Comment:

I was debating posting this for several reasons. The first is that I am afraid that Facebook will nuke the link if I post it. That happened the last time I wrote about Ryan Routh and his assassination attempt. I received no explanation why my post was removed and it showed no actual policy violations. Hopefully that won't happen again and I will avoid using the word "assassination". 

The other problem is that I do think that the statement by Routh is an incitement. He's arguing for others to try and succeed where he failed. It's very possible that someone could see his letter and decide to take him up on the offer. Especially since he supposedly put up a bounty. Though it would obviously be unlikely to collect, to say the least, given his current incarceration, it's still possible some nutjob could see the offer and take it seriously. And it's even possible that there is someone out their that would pay given how uncertain we are if there was a wider conspiracy targeting Trump. 

In the end I decided to write the blog post. The letter is already out there and being discussed by millions of people on social media and the release raises major questions about the DOJ. I think discussing that is important for pretty obvious reasons. I sincerely hope that I don't contribute to the problem but this is very important to discuss. 

Releasing this is either one of two things. The first possibility is that this is just gross incompetence by the DOJ. It's possible that they either didn't read the letter closely or just didn't realize what the implications are. Maybe they think that the letter is harmless and that Trump isn't at risk for further assassination attempts. 

Of course that doesn't make any sense. What does make sense is that this was malice. They released this hoping that someone would see this and take Routh up on his offer. They hate Donald Trump and want him to be assassinated. That's the other theory and the one that makes more sense. Though we should be reminded of Hanlon's razor, which states you shouldn't assume malice when stupidity is just as possible. 

Either way, this is a fairly disturbing incident from the DOJ. Either they are grossly incompetent or they are actively encouraging further assassination. It's possible that they are even involved in one or more plots against Trump. None of those options are good, but the one thing we can be clear is that the powers that be are not acting in the best interests of President Trump. 

I do fear that there could be further assassination attempts on Trump, even without this letter. The chances are even higher now, but they were high before. The media has whipped the left into a frenzy with their lies about Trump. Trump's really just a run of the mill Republican President with a better foreign policy and is skeptical of immigration. He isn't going to end democracy or put Project 2025 into place, he's just going to be like he was in 2016-2020. But gullible people on the left really believe that he will be a tyrant and that could lead to further attacks. 

I think that the Democrats and the media are responsible for this. Maybe even directly. They certainly hate Donald Trump and are willing to lie about him to keep him from power. Indeed, they hardly even covered the 2nd assassination attempt and went right back to negative coverage over Trump. If something happens where Trump is hurt or, God forbid, killed, and it isn't from a foreign agent, I am going to blame them. 

Of course we don't know if Ryan Routh is a foreign agent or not. Routh had ties to both Iran and Ukraine, two countries that were recently named by Congressman Matt Gaetz as having assassin teams working against Trump. It's surprising that that kind of thing isn't being publicized but his letter threatening Trump is... 

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