Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Why is Nikki Haley still in the race?


Nikki Haley. Gage Skidmore. 

Nikki Haley vows to continue her 2024 Presidential race despite a looming race in her home state of South Carolina that polling says she will lose by 30 points. Politico. Haley says she will continue the race until the "American people close the door". GOP leadership is calling for Haley to drop out after blowout losses in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada, with an embarrassing loss expected in South Carolina on Saturday. Haley has been more critical of Trump lately despite being "proud" of the work she did during his administration. Haley has continued to campaign in states voting on Super Tuesday and even has an event planned in Washington State, which is after Super Tuesday. 

My Comment:

It's a slow news day so I thought I would write about the most baffling story in politics today, which is Nikki Haley's presidential campaign. In a sane world Haley would know that her political ambitions are done. She isn't going to win her race against Donald Trump even if Donald Trump drops dead. I know I wouldn't vote for her and if she is the 2024 candidate I would probably vote third party.

Why? Because she's a relic of a party that is long dead. She's a neocon, a warmonger and an example of everything that went wrong with the Republican Party. I have zero interest in voting for someone that has an identical foreign policy as Joe Biden. Gun to my head, I'd vote for her over Biden, but only because Biden is senile, corrupt and probably a sex offender. But that's it. 

So why is Haley still running? I guess it's possible she's just in denial and thinks the polling is off by double digit points. That would make zero sense but perhaps Haley is just really dumb. That's possible, I never found her to be that intelligent. People certainly can believe some strange things, and perhaps Haley genuinely believes she will beat Donald Trump in a fair race. 

It's possible that this is just a graft. There are a lot of fools that are giving Nikki Haley money to run and the RINO wing of the Republican Party along with Democrats that support Haley, have deep pockets. She could also be auditioning for CNN or other anti-Trump outlets for a 2nd Trump term. There is always a demand on those programs for a supposed Republican that only attacks people on her side. 

I do think we can rule out the idea that Nikki Haley was running for Trump's VP slot. She burned her bridges with Trump when she stayed in the race past New Hampshire. Trump and DeSantis have not exactly made up after he dropped out, but I think there is absolutely zero chance of her getting the nod now. 

The most likely reason is that Haley thinks that Trump won't be around as a candidate for some reason. To be fair, Trump is fairly old and there is always a chance he could get sick or die from natural causes. Trump is also in legal jeopardy but if Haley thinks that is a path for her she's nuts. Every time the kangaroo courts go after Trump his popularity increases. And I think it's very unlikely that Trump will go on trial, let alone be convicted, before November. 

What really worries me is the possibility that Haley knows something will happen to Trump. I hesitate to even mention the possibility, but it wouldn't be the first time a popular presidential candidate didn't make it to the election... If something does happen to Trump I would not vote for Haley because I wouldn't be convinced that she wasn't part of the reason it happened. 

Regardless, this is almost certainly the end of Nikki Haley's career as an elected official. Three quarters of the party think she is a traitor and they aren't going to forgive her in not backing Trump when the entire political system is trying to destroy him. Loyalty is an important thing in political parties and it's a reason why the Democrats are more effective at getting their policies passed for the most part. They don't constantly defect to the other side and the Republicans are just sick of Republicans like that. 

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