Sunday, February 4, 2024

More bad polling for Joe Biden, Donald Trump has a five point lead in an NBC News poll.


Joe Biden. 

A new NBC News poll has Donald Trump ahead by five points in a matchup with Joe Biden. NBC News. Trump also has a major lead on many issues including a huge advantage on handling immigration, the economy, general competence, crime and mental competence. Biden's approval rate has dropped to the lowest level in the NBC poll with only 37% approving of his presidency. Trump leads in a general election 47% to 42% in a head to head matchup, but if third parties are considered, Trump extends his led to 6 points, 41% to 35%. Outside of an outlier Quinnipiac poll, the NBC poll is consistent with other recent polls that show Donald Trump ahead of Joe Biden.  The poll also has Trump winning South Carolina over Nikki Haley by 60 points, 79% to 19%. 

My Comment:

Biden's polling has been terrible lately and everything indicates that he should lose in 2024. I know it's a long time until November and a lot can happen between now and then but one wonders how Joe Biden could possibly right the ship. 

Keep in mind that most of these pollsters are pro-Biden in their news coverage and would prefer, to say the least, him to have a 2nd term. They tend to oversample and overcorrect in favor of the Democratic candidates, so it's very possible that Trump's actual lead is a lot higher than is reported now. 

The only "good" news for Biden is that he regains a slight lead if Trump were somehow convicted of a felony. That seems extremely unlikely with all of Trump's court cases stalled out and a few of them looking like they will be dropped. Even if they aren't it's not likely that Trump will even face a trial, let alone be convicted of anything, before the 2024 election. 

What should really be concerning for Biden is the fact that his approval rating is terrible. Only 37% of people in this poll approve of Joe Biden's presidency. It's the worst anyone has done in an NBC poll and there have been presidents who have had higher approval ratings that have lost their reelection campaigns. 

Can we trust these polls? Probably not. If anything I think they are probably giving Joe Biden a boost, not the other way around. The Quinnipiac poll that had Biden up seems like a clear outlier and all of the other recent polls show Trump over Biden in 2024. If they are making an error in Trump's favor, I don't see how it's possible. People are not happy with the direction the country is going. 

Finally, it's pretty clear that Nikki Haley is done after South Carolina. With a 60 point lead and support of almost 80% of the electorate it's clear that Trump is going to win Haley's home state. It will be an absolute humiliation for Haley and would be the kind of thing that would end anyone else's political career. 

It does make me wonder why she doesn't drop out, especially after getting embarrassed in Iowa and New Hampshire. Haley doesn't have a real path to win honestly, so I wonder if she expects something to happen to Trump? One wonders what that could be, Trump is mostly controversy proof for his supporters and the legal issues that are dogging him are not likely to be resolved quickly at all. I'm honestly worried she knows something we don't know about Trump and his campaign... 

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